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You won't likely see a headline like that for a few days if at all. Theresa May, the Prime Minister, is leader of the Conservative Party. They are still the most likely party to form government but will likely need to negotiate with minority parties to achieve that. And Theresa May is unlikely to remain as Prime Minister even if that case but will be replaced by somebody else from her party.

(The most likely scenario is the Conservatives governing with the support of the Democratic Unionist Party (a Northern Ireland conservative party) - it looks at the moment like the Conservatives will fall just short and adding the DUP will have enough to put them over halfway mark.

Jeremy Corbyn is leader of the Labour Party. It is very unlikely but still not impossible, he might get the numbers he needs to cobble together a number of smaller parties and take government. That really is extremely unlikely (he'd need a lot of the remaining seats to fall his way, and to also get the agreement of the Scottish Nationalists, the Liberal Democrats, the Greens, Plaid Cymru... a lot harder than just getting one party with reasonably similar beliefs on board) but it is technically possible.

215 posted on 06/08/2017 9:39:34 PM PDT by naturalman1975 ("America was under attack. Australia was immediately there to help." - John Winston Howard)
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To: naturalman1975

Thank you for your explanation! It makes much more sense than what I’ve been hearing and trying to “translate” this evening. :)

218 posted on 06/08/2017 9:50:05 PM PDT by luvie (Our troops are the best of the best and we should honor them EVERY day!)
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