Technology. Technology keeps them from sleeping, which trashes their health, especially during puberty. Technology connects them to social media, which a giant negative feedback loop and echo chamber from which they never get a break.
I'm sure there are other factors, but these explain a lot.
Not to get too much like Gen Jack D. Ripper, but I’ve heard nasty stories about widespread introduction of soy into young people’s diets and the attendant physical accelerated growth. If girls and young women are maturing physically way faster than their minds, I can’t fathom the attendant mental problems. Throw absentee/narcissistic parents on top of that (see my comment earlier in this thread), and it’s a recipe for disaster.
This social media stuff changes the way people think in my opinion.
Also the ubiquitous and pervasive nature of porn in this era where every phone is a video player/recorder hooked up to the internet probably isn’t too good for society.