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To: John O; mikey_hates_everything
READ CLOSELY HERE: If you CHOOSE to live in the gutter (and manhattan is the gutter) then you are choosing to expose yourself and your children to behavior that is common in the gutter. Most of NYC is a hellhole with no morals and there is very little reason for any sane moral person to live there

Rubbish. Just listen to yourself.

You are deluded into thinking that certain geographical lines on a map are tangible demarcation lines of who is moral or not. That is not only illogical, it is immoral itself. I know folks who have worked and lived in NYC who are staunch Christians and incredible people. I also know folks from states where I have lived in out west and in the south who were drug addicts, cheats, and adulterers. This faux morality you are selling that people who live in a certain city, state, or region of the country "deserves it" when they are victims of evil (and what happened to those kids and their parents in this case was clearly evil) is akin to saying rape victims deserve it because of.....fill in the blank.

Satan prowls the earth like a roaring lion, seeing who he can devour. He will just as gladly ruin lives in Indiana or Georgia as he will in New York or Massachusetts.

Either you do not understand this, or you have some sort of weird parochial hatred regarding geography.

And again, the posts (including yours) that outright exclaim that these parents (attending a concert to hear their innocent children sing for them) are to blame for what these school officials and that pervert tranny did is not only offensive, but sinful itself on your part.

37 posted on 06/02/2017 6:36:47 AM PDT by SkyPilot ("I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." John 14:6)
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To: SkyPilot; mikey_hates_everything

You are still missing the point.

The parents elected the local officials. The parents put THAT school board in place. The parents are living in the liberal environment they chose to live in.

The parents are responsible for everything that their elected servants do.

It is very easy to find which areas have acceptable morals and which do not. Look at the voting records! If they elect liberals, then you know they are majority immoral. This isn’t rocket science after all. Take Chicago for example. They routinely elect liberals and are an immoral hellhole. The few people who actually have morals there are either dying off or moving out.

If the parents did not want liberal perversion to be taught to their children, then they would not have their children living in a liberal hellhole (of the parents own creation) or at a minimum would have their children enrolled in a private moral school.

The children were victimized. But they were victimized ultimately by their parents.

(Please note that there might be some few people with morals living in NYC. But why in the world would they subject their children to the public school system there? This is a school system that is on record as supporting sexual deviancy (Harvey Milk High School ring a bell) so anything the school system does that is perverse should come as no surprise)

52 posted on 06/05/2017 6:46:20 AM PDT by John O (God Save America (Please))
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