oddly, is own family seems to deny all of it.
Maybe they were given hush money?
Do you think that Seth Rich’s parents are Dedicated Liberals and, thus, dedicated to the Liberal cause regardless of the truth??
Anything dealing with Liberals is, IMO, not mentally sound nor based on the truth.
They don’t want to end up like Seth.
Yep. Just like Scalia’s family.
I guess a way to look at it is: what if you had a son that you regarded as a traitor to America? What if he converted to Islam and joined ISIS? What if he was a commie passing atomic secrets to the Soviets in the 40s and 50s? If you found out he was murdered or simply KIA by US forces, you might be content to let the story die.
If Rich's parents are typical lib/rats, they will see loyalty to The Party as everything. It's their religion and it is a mental disorder. Think Angela Lansbury in The Manchurian Candidate. It makes no sense to us, but we're not insane leftists.
Demoncrats don’t have real families.