Lorge believes that based on his conversations with senior officials in the Navy, he was essentially told that if you disapprove the findings, it will ruin your career.
We used to call that “Extortion” a FELONY EVERYWHERE!!!
Generals and Admirals are political appointees in the service today
This was posted by CDR Salamander a week ago:
I think the Trial should be overturned and the Seal Exonerated, period. What a coward that admiral is. What a stinking coward!
And Trump is the one accused of undo influence on the justice system.
If he had any honor he wouldn’t have let a right decision ruin his career. POS coward.
It is called “undue command influence” and is a crime for both those attempting it and those succumbing to it.
An officer is expected to be willing to die, if necessary for the good of the country. Throwing one of your men to the wolves, not just ANY man, but a SEAL who likely had engaged in high-risk missions, and do it just for the sake of a career, is especially heinous.
Information like this coming out gives the SEAL excellent grounds to appeal. His career is over maybe his good name will be restored.
“including Senator Kirstin Gillibrand”. Ah, my Senator and oh that other loser, what’s his name? Crybaby? Oh yeah, Chuck You Schumer.
Wow. I wonder what made him decide, to tell the truth? Any guesses?
This little jerk deserves to get busted back to ensign. I’ve seen his type throughout the military - academy grad, politicked for one career-enhancing assignment after another, toadying up to the brass, and turned so blind to ethical conduct that he ends up like the frog being slowly boiled.
No surprise so many of them wind up at the top to perpetuate the system
Calling Michael Flynn...
This must be made right.
Damn straight !! “admiral” Lorge is a stinking coward.
ALL the service academys are now PC; not even to mention that there is NO place for women in the military.
folking assh8le
He should be thrown in jail for what he did to that man.
I have known admirals with character and those without. This may be a redemption story, where the admiral showed a shocking lack of character under unfamiliar pressure from domestic enemies and is now trying to make restitution. It's still reprehensible, but fixing his egregious actions after retirement is better than not trying to fix it at all. The man trained his whole life for one kind of enemy and was unprepared when he discovered the real personal danger that he actually faced. That doesn't excuse his conduct, but it does make it understandable. If the SEAL gets his life back, mostly, I won't carry as much of a grudge against the admiral.
The wages of the Obama rein of terror. Someone needs to put together a list of unconditional pardons for miiiary personnel for the Don to sign.
So; he ruined a good mans life just to keep his bullsh!t position.
Hang the sonofab!tch!