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To: SubMareener

You know what I mean by nepotism :)

You’re a smart dude.

And when you put things in perspective like that, BETTER to be prepared for judgement day!

147 posted on 05/08/2017 11:56:36 AM PDT by dp0622 (The only thing an upper crust Conservative hates more than a liberal is a middle class conservative)
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To: dp0622

The nation that has killed 60 million babies is under judgement from YHWH. He is done with the United States of America.

We have been under judgement ever since the 1962 School Prayer ruling. The first official Muslim Brotherhood front organization founded in the U.S. was the Muslim Students Association (MSA), established on the Urbana-Champaign campus of the University of Illinois in 1964. The Muslim Brotherhood is a type of the Assyrian that YHWH used to bring judgement on the 10 tribes that made up Israel. Al Qaeda is an off-shoot of the Muslim Brotherhood. Their 9/11 attack was a perfect fulfillment of Isaiah 9:8-13.

Since the 1973 Roe v. Wade things have really gotten worse. Since then we have never won a war, before then we never lost one. With Obama we finally got Isaiah 3:4-5 “I will give children to be their princes, and babes shall rule over them. The people will be oppressed, everyone by another and every one by his neighbor; The child will be insolent toward the elder and the base to the honorable.”

All this moral decay was codified by Judges, just as the moral decay in Sodom and Gomorrah was, according to the Jewish sages, was codified by Judges. That puts us as “in the days of Lot” (Luke 17:28-37). The “great sign in the heaven” from Revelation 12:1-2 actually occurs on September 23-24, 2017. See the image at:

As for Donald Trump, I view him as a type of Samson, whom YHWH raised up to bring down the Temple of Dagon on the Philistines.

Now look at Donald Trump’s slogan: “Make America Great Again”. Alexis de Tocqueville said: “America is great because she is good. If America ceases to be good, America will cease to be great.” Donald Trump knows that in a country overrun with Philistines one can not campaign on “Make America Good Again”. However, if you look at what he says he will do, how offended he is by people lying about him, how offended he is with dirty tricks, how he hates the corruption in American government, etc. you know that he is trying to do is make America good again. So Donald Trump is bringing people out of the shadows, so to speak, and giving them hope that things can be better. This puts them out in the world where the Holy Spirit can bring believers into contact with those who are to be saved. So that is the spiritual aspect of the Trump campaign.

On the Bible Prophecy side, how is YHWH going to convince the Iranians that 2017 would be about the last time they, with their allies, can wipe out the United States and attack Israel to wipe it off the map?

How about we elect Donald Trump and he starts to make the American Military so strong that no one will want to mess with us? How about if he starts to root out the Muslim Brotherhood infiltration of the Government? In fact, the threat of having Donald Trump in the Whitehouse may well trigger the attack that is described in Ezekiel 38:10-13, which YHWH does not stop, so that the attack in Ezekiel 38:14-23, which YHWH will stop can take place. Then the End will come.

When the world gets to these critical points, there isn’t anything one can do to change the course set by YHWH for the world. It is much easier if you focus on that narrow way YHWH has for you to do as your part in His magnificent Word.

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These are the End Times. This is what is written in the Word of God about what will happen. The Catholic Church will participate, and might even lead, the Great Apostasy. This Pope could actually turn out to be the Anti-Christ or the False Prophet. The Protestant Churches and the various Christian Cults, Islam, Buddism, Hinduism, etc. will be in there as well. That is why it is called a One World Religion.

If you are a believer in Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord, and pray to be found worthy to escape the Wrath to come, then you will be out of here before the Great Tribulation starts. If you are a believer and think you want to go through the Great Tribulation, then maybe Jesus will protect you, but the preponderance of Scripture says you will get your head cut off. Either way, you will make it to the Glassy Sea and get to come back with Jesus at his Second Coming to administer the Millennial Kingdom.

I didn’t give Bible verses on purpose. It is really time to break it out and read it every day. Follow Msgr. Charles Pope’s daily messages. I am convinced that he is the Anointed Pope for this the last generation.

Most of all, “Let not your heart be troubled!” Jesus told you that this was going to happen, before it happened, so that when it started to happen, you would believe! Believe! Read your Bible and pray!

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Dear Mom,
Since you made a sincere request, I am providing a sincere answer. I hope it helps.

First of all you have to understand that the United States of America is no longer a Constitutional Republic. You are being ruled using Corporate Law by an unelected bureaucracy under the auspices of “decisions” from an unelected Judiciary. Once you wrap you mind around this fact, you will understand how the Interstate Commerce clause came to cover every remotely commercial activity, why we can’t pray anywhere we want to, why we can’t read the Bible anywhere we want to, etc., etc., etc. Those “grants” from the Federal Government come with lots and lots of strings. Just look at the Federal School Lunch Program.

You also have to understand that this is a self-perpetuating system that co-opts anyone who tries to work within it. One of the main ways that this is done is by identifying people who have perversions of one kind or another and putting them into positions of power. Denny Hastert comes most recently to mind.

So your government at all levels is basically a corrupt Kleptocracy intent on controlling you and staying in power. This means that the only way to change the system is by having a true outsider, i.e., someone with enough money and influence, to rally the remaining aware populace to throw the bums out and undo the corporate law structure currently being used to control the country.

So for starters, Donald J Trump has identified the system as corrupt and said that he has plans to undo this corruption and to restore the country to its status as a Constitutional Republic.

Now, Donald Trump doesn’t spend a lot of time articulating “constitutional positions” because he knows that most people are not as smart as you and me and can’t really handle abstract concepts such as those. So he gives specific things that he is going to do that smart people such as you and me can recognize as “constitutional positions”.

Here are the things that Donald J. Trump has promised to do: build the wall, deport illegals and Syrian invaders, cancel Obama’s unconstitutional executive orders, roll back twenty years of intrusive government regulations, prosecute Hillary and her crew, release the secret 28 pages from the 9/11 report, negotiate prescription drug purchases, repeal and replace Obamacare, simplify the Tax code, repatriate $2.5 trillion in off-shore profits, stop the IRS from abridging the free speech of Christian Churches, reform the libel laws to remove the “public figure” distinctions, defund Planned Parenthood until they stop doing abortions, cleaning up the mess that is the VA, cutting waste, fraud and abuse where ever it is found, canceling Common Core and returning control of education to the States, end the assault on the Second Amendment, audit the Federal Reserve System, investigate the harmful additives in Vaccines and the coverup of studies at the CDC, and destroy the culture of Political Correctness.

Now, a thinking person would ask: “How is he going to do all these things?” The answer is found in his book, “The Art of the Deal” that explains how he turned a $1 million loan into a $10,000 million organization.

Here are Donald J. Trump’s core principles, published in 1987. He actually lives these principles. The evidence for this is all around the world, literally! You can see him executing one or more of these principles every day! Watch and learn how it is done!

1. Think Big
2. Protect the Downside and the Upside Will Take Care of Itself
3. Maximize Your Options
4. Know Your Market
5. Use Your Leverage
6. Enhance Your Location
7. Get the Word Out
8. Fight Back
9, Deliver the Goods
10. Contain the Costs
11. Have Fun

Now, if any of the Constitutional Conservatives had applied even part of this over the past 30 years the country would not be in the shape it is in today. Instead Consistent Conservatives have stood, marched, and yammered for “family values”, “small government”, “lower taxes”, etc., all while just the opposite happened, over and over again. One betrayal of principle after another.

Here is what Donald J. Trump says at the end of The Art of the Deal:

What’s Next
Fortunately, I don’t know the answer, because if I did, that would take half the fun out of it.
This much I do know: it won’t be the same.
I’ve spent the first twenty years of my working life building, accumulating, and accomplishing things that many said could not be done. The biggest challenge I see over the next twenty years is to figure out some creative ways to give back some of what I’ve gotten.
I don’t just mean money, although that’s part of it. It’s easy to be generous when you’ve got a lot, and anyone who does, should be. But what I admire most are people who put themselves directly on the line. I’ve never been terribly interested in why people give, because their motivation is rarely what it seems to be, and it’s almost never pure altruism. To me, what matters is the doing, and giving time is far more valuable than just giving money.
In my life, there are two things I’ve found I’m very good at: overcoming obstacles and motivating good people to do their best work. One of the challenges ahead is how to use those skills as successfully in the service of others as I’ve done, up to now, on my own behalf.
Don’t get me wrong. I also plan to keep making deals, big deals, and right around the clock.

Trump, Donald J.; Schwartz, Tony (2009-12-18). Trump: The Art of the Deal (Kindle Locations 4246-4252). Random House Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.

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Psalm 2
1 Why do the nations rage, And the people plot a vain thing?
2 The kings of the earth set themselves, And the rulers take counsel together, Against the LORD and against His Anointed, saying,
3 “Let us break Their bonds in pieces And cast away Their cords from us.”
4 He who sits in the heavens shall laugh; The LORD shall hold them in derision.
5 Then He shall speak to them in His wrath, And distress them in His deep displeasure:
6 “Yet I have set My King On My holy hill of Zion.”
7 “I will declare the decree: The LORD has said to Me, ‘You are My Son, Today I have begotten You.
8 Ask of Me, and I will give You The nations for Your inheritance, And the ends of the earth for Your possession.
9 You shall break them with a rod of iron; You shall dash them to pieces like a potter’s vessel.’ “
10 Now therefore, be wise, O kings; Be instructed, you judges of the earth.
11 Serve the LORD with fear, And rejoice with trembling.
12 Kiss the Son, lest He be angry, And you perish in the way, When His wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all those who put their trust in Him.

Nelson, Thomas (2009-02-18). Holy Bible, New King James Version (NKJV) (p. 527). Thomas Nelson. Kindle Edition.

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The Bible, in its original languages, is the revealed Word of YHWH, the Ain Sof, the Creator of the Universe. The entire Word established the boundary conditions for all significant events in the Universe from beginning to end.

Everyone has free will until they bump up against a boundary condition that involves them. Then YHWH will “harden your heart” and you are stuck with your decision. In Quantum Mechanics it is called “spontaneous symmetry breaking” that collapses a superposition of states into one observed state.

We are very near the end of the Bible. The Revelation 12:1-2 great sign in the heavens will happen September 23-24, 2017. There is strong evidence that the matching verses, 12:5-6 mean that the people who believe in the Messiah’s First Coming, and his imminent return, will be “caught up to God and His Throne” and that the people who believe in the Promise, but missed Him the first time will be protected for 1260 days, from all Hell breaking out on Earth.

If you study the Word, you will find out that “nations” are very important to YHWH, and trying to unite all people in one government/religion, is despised by YHWH. It started with the Tower of Babel, so when the EU made their headquarters to look like a painting of the Tower of Babel, you know they are in trouble.

The United States of America was founded as a nation “ruled by God”, which is what Israel means. Many of the founders thought of it as a “New Israel”. Jonathan Cahn, has explored this extensively, and the events surrounding the 9/11 attack on the USA are compelling, and seem to identify the USA with the Ten Tribes of Israel that were dispersed by the Assyrians.

It is undeniable that decedents of Judah, Benjamin, and remnants of Levi and the ten other tribes that went into the Babylonian Captivity, are moving back into the original Promised Land (The Modern State of Israel). But only YHWH knows where the rest of those Ten Tribes ended up.

So that brings us to what can be happening here in the United States of America in the last year of the Age of Grace, the Church Age, the period between the First and Second Coming, or the two days between the final dispersion of the Jews and their regathering in Israel. It doesn’t matter what you call it. It is here, now.

As the Word says will happen in the Last Days, almost all the organized churches have fallen away from the original Gospel, to one degree or another. That means that there are a lot of Lost Sheep out there to be gathered in before the final harvest.

So what has YHWH done? Well, in the rest of the world He is gathering them in the old fashion way, but allowing Lucifer to persecute the Hell out of the Christians. This really spreads the faith, as it did in the Days of the Apostles.

With the United States, all fat, dump and happy from His material blessing, and now under the governmental control of the Luciferian New World Order, and their fly attracting leaders, He needed a different approach.

His answer appears to be one Donald John (voice crying in the wilderness, get it?) Trump who appears to be a melding of Samson, Cyrus and Nehemiah.

Read Judges 13-16 and then look at the characteristics Donald Trump shares with Samson: Doesn’t drink, ever; has really wild hair; is really harsh if you treat him badly or unfairly; ran around with a lot of foreign women.

You can read Isaiah 45 (FORTY FIVE! get it) to find out about Cyrus, a gentile who was God’s Instrument in punishing the Babylonians, and returning Judah back to Jerusalem.

Of course, Nehemiah was the one whom King Artaxerxes, sent back to Jerusalem to actually BUILD THE WALL (get it?) and after that to bust up the corrupt establishment and restore the Law of Moses to the land. Read the whole book of Nehemiah and think of how it could be paralleled in the first few months of a Trump Administration.

The inauguration of Donald J. Trump took place when he was 70 years, 7 months, and 7 days old in the Hebrew year 5777! You can’t make this stuff up because God already did!

So, I think that if we all listen closely to what the Holy Spirit is telling each us Members of the Body of Christ to do, which may include working hard and praying for Donald Trump, then I think we get a Nehemiah period before we are harvested and the Luciferian New World Order folks get their wish to be rid of us, and to have the world all to themselves.

149 posted on 05/08/2017 11:57:41 AM PDT by SubMareener (Save us from Quarterly Freepathons! Become a MONTHLY DONOR)
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