“It’s my turn” might not have been Hillary’s official slogan, but her pet media puked it forth as one of her two main messages. The other was “Vote for Hillary because she is female”, loosely defined.
“Hillary’s turn” might appeal to the pre-school set, and her gender might appeal to bigots. Most voters have only a tiny personal stake in a candidate “BEING” anything (with the exception of Black, which HRC was not). Votes are cast because of what voters believe a candidate will DO. Hillary’s history suggested that would involve corruption, incompetence, micromanagement, skullduggery, scandal, amorality, egotism, and government that was a bully at home and a pansy abroad. Small wonder Hillary repeatedly fell back on “re-introducing” herself. But even that was all about who she IS, not about what she would DO. Trump was all about what he would DO.
Lesson: Action defeats Being.