If your minds eye equates legislatively appointed delegates with popularly elected congressmen and senators, . . . you are mistaken. Delegates will conduct themselves within the bounds of their commissions.
In the same way the delegates did in 1787? Did those delegates conduct themselves within the bounds of their commissions? Why should we believe that these delegates (who are not made of the same stuff as the Framers) will act to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution?
More importantly, the federal government ignores and violates the Constitution daily. Why should we believe that any new boundaries the Article V convention should place upon the federal government will restrain them any more than the existing Constitution? Why open Pandora's Box when you can't guarantee that the federal government will obey your new restrictions?
James R. McClure Jr.
Jeffersonian Anti-Federalist Democrat
<>Did those delegates conduct themselves within the bounds of their commissions?<>
On January 10th 2017 I began a seven-part series, “Whatever Happened to the Articles of Confederation” at ArticleVBlog.com. The blog post dealing with the Paterson Plan will interest you.