Posted on 04/19/2017 9:11:23 PM PDT by detective
Fox News' handling of the renewed harassment allegations is a reflection of greater company conflicts and a generational shift as Rupert hangs on to a bygone era and James and Lachlan plot a risky new course.
Last July, after Gretchen Carlson sued the Murdoch-controlled 21st Century Fox and Roger Ailes, the then-head of Fox News Channel, for sexual harassment, Rupert Murdoch told his sons, both Ailes enemies, that paying off Carlson without a fight would mean more lawsuits. Easy-money settlements always bring more claims. James and Lachlan Murdoch, however, were eager to get rid of their nemesis, and the most direct way to do that was to accept Carlson's claims after a quickie investigation and then use a big payoff $20 million to end the dispute and calm the storm.
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"It's a particular sort of irony that Fox, which, to the delight of its audience, built itself on rejecting liberal assumptions, might now be brought down by such a signature liberal assumption: Where there are charges of sexual harassment, there is sexual harassment."
To hell with Fox at this point.
My my. The Murdock boys are Rupert’s very own Ivanka and Jared. Hipsters who do not know what they do not know.
And here are the new BS allegations:
Attorney Lisa Bloom announced Tuesday that she is representing a new client who is accusing OReilly of sexual and racial harassment.
Bloom did not reveal the identity of the new client but said that she called the hotline Fox News set up last week to investigate claims against OReilly.
The attorney told The Hollywood Reporter that her client was called hot chocolate by OReilly and was afraid if she told him to knock it off she'd get fired.
This will mark more than just the passing of O’Reilly, whose oversized ego has always repelled me, but of the last semi-conservative, semi-accurate news outlet in major media. Drudge and Breitbart will be next.
Here is an interesting question.
What did O’reilly do?
Is he guilty of a provable crime or just some sluts making shit up?
Sounds like the sluts are charging O’Reilly with being a man... and that pisses me off.
Fine Dear prudent, enjoy never being pursued again. Then complain about it for the rest of your dry crusty life.
Jared loves Trump. Trump loves his son in law. Jared is staying.
An if brains were dynamite you would still not know how to blow your nose......
An if brains were dynamite you would still not know how to blow your nose......
Rupert’s piss ant kids will destroy his empire in short order.
Good. Liberal spoiled punks.
Invalid comparison. Rupe’s boys are idiots. Jared and Ivanka are both educated and accomplished.
They ran “The Factor” tonight, with Perino in the chair, with its usual segments, but with no evidence of O’Reilly. The circle O’Reilly Factor graphics were nowhere to be seen, the bottom of the screen identified it simply as “The Factor”, Perino didn’t bother using “the spin stops here because we’re looking out for you.” The theme music was the same, but otherwise it was as if Bill O’Reilly never worked there.
I hate, loathe, abominate, and refuse to watch the stupid, completely WORTHLESS THE FIVE and placing that horror in the 9:00 P.M. slot and the wussie, limp, PJ boy, Tucker Carlson in at 8:00 P.M. ( why not Watters? ), means that I'll now only watch the 6:00 P.M. news ( which is almost unwatchable too )daily and Hannity at 10:00 P.M.; leaving me with Watters and Judge Jeanine on Saturday. And I bet that I'm not alone!
Which just proves that President Trump has one GIGANTIC blind spot, which I pray won’t bring him down.
How many times does one have to be so elegantly and elogently wrong to get booted from a cable or broadcast show? - these shows are a laughable farce - a sad display of misplaced self importance - meanwhile the rest of society has moved on and the msm is increasingly less and less a factor in the modern zeitgeist - probably accounts for some of the panic we are currently enjoying
The boys have been working, quite hard, on ruining the N.Y. Post too; sadly.
Rupert caused it on himself. His hipster boys are straight out of the Upper West Side.
The channel is becoming garbage. I haven’t been pissed off in years like I am right now. Who are the women? Show their faces. Why are they hiding?
Oh come on...his boys aren’t the UWS types; there are many stupid rich brats on the UES and in Brooklyn ( the newest LEFTY COOL PLACE FOR RICH IMBECILES )too.
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