Yes, trump lost the popular vote; guess what? The Republicans did NOT. Republicans outpolled Trump in every district and in every statewide election that Trump won. They also won districts that Trump did not win.
Chew on that for a second.
The claim that Trump did the best that any Republican could have done is one that I simply don't accept; not because it is or isn't true, but because we have no way of knowing that. It is a theory pinned to no experimental evidence whatsoever. Trump was the guy we ran with. He won. That's all we know. I voted for him. But I'm not going to blindly support him, and the FC shouldn't have either.
As for "getting $hit done." If it's $hit, I don't want it to be done. It's pretty simple, really. This isn't a basketball game. Being a "winner" means nothing if you're "winning" by doing the things Democrats want to do. Trump may think getting any bill means he'd have "won" but he isn't just Donald Trump anymore. He's now a man who took an oath to support, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States. And any time a President signs a bill that violates that oath, he hasn't "won." I don't care how "pragmatic" or "non-ideological" you are.
Sounds good.
So, what’s the plan?
Are we going to wait until November to see how people react to their premiums and then see how it goes?
I’m looking at the basketball scoreboard and the clock, that damn clock, is still ticking.
Better start putting some points on the board, even if its only a half or even a third of the points you would prefer to score.
What’s the song Trump plays after his speeches? Perhaps that was directed at us. Who knew. Nonetheless, the game is going on, better start playing it.