As long as free NBA tickets are also considered a right.
if healthcare is a ‘right’ ... then doctors are slaves that cannot say no
similarly, if marriage is a ‘right’ ... then the hottie down the street cannot say no to your proposal
moral of the story is... your ‘rights’ are personal. you have all your rights alone on a deserted island. to say your rights are tied to another is to make that other person your slave
The amendment is needed to allow DC to _do_ anything resembling federal heath care.
It is not and should not be a _right_.
What good are “rights” anymore? We have one that “shall not be infringed” upon, but is under 24/7 attack by the demonic Left.
As long as we’re giving away the valuable services and tax dollars of other people, can we make baseball game seating a “right” while we’re at it?
Thanks, Mark.
Cuban is an idiot. Rights do not come from man or government, they come from the creator. He must have been asleep in his high school government class.
Civil Rights come from God.
Health care is man made.
You already have a right to health care. Government cannot deny you health care, because the constitution doesn’t give them the power.....
Oh wait. Government denies people access to health care all the time. The FDA exists to deny health care to people. The ACA has a lot of denial of health care to people who are unable to pay but didn’t buy insurance. The government offers “free” health insurance but then rations your health care if you use that insurance.
So yes, if we made health care a “right” it would pretty much destroy ACA and the government control of our lives.
But he didn’t mean “right” in the way we mean it. He meant “right’ in “right to free health care provided by slaves”.
Because if the government guarantees you free health care, they are forcing doctors to work on you against their will, and forcing other people to work for “no pay” as the pay goes to the government to give you for your “free” health care.
So Mark Cuban is really calling for the restoration of slavery.
After all, in slave times, the farmers were just exercising their “right” to grow and harvest crops without having to pay workers. And Cuban is pushing the “right” to receive health care without paying for it.
Rich Democrats like Cuban always know best how to spend other people’s money.