Posted on 03/15/2017 2:54:48 AM PDT by yoe
As President Donald Trump plans a slew of policies that could dismantle key parts of Barack Obamas presidential legacy, the former president seems to be returning to his roots as a Saul Alinsky-style radical community organizer.
This time Obama and his associates objective is to stop Trumps domestic and foreign policy agendas on virtually all fronts immigration reform, border security, the roll back of the controversial Obamacare system and more. According to some accounts, Obama and his associates may be seeking no less than Trumps impeachment.
The strategies for disruption seem to include everything from nonprofit front-group activism and the filing of legal motions to support for protest movements targeting Trump and top administration officials.
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Lock him up!!!
I’m not sure anything listed in this article is actually illegal, but Obama IS a disgrace — more to himself than anything else. He’s got no real skills, and knows better than anyone else that he’d be selling used cars somewhere in a suburb of Chicago if he was a white man.
Leftists once again have set themselves up as the opposition to the best and the brightest America has to offer. This will become increasingly vivid in the years ahead. In time the scourge of communism will be outlawed as an enemy of our Constitutional government.
The tide will turn in America. Patriotism will once again dominate our character and the freedom under which we were founded will once again reign supreme. As our true character emerges the evil of socialism will be clarified. Those who are unable to let go of utopian atheism will be crushed by its essential tyranny. There will be a dawning in America. We will Make America Great Again.
I’d like to see some arrests under this statute.
The neo-fascists aka “Antifa” in the Bay Area have me quite worried. I seriously doubt they have the numbers or means to overthrow the US, but they certainly have the ability to cause serious trouble. I think these uniformed thugs have showed up in other places, as well.
Im hoping his legacy will include jail time
When does zero actually commit sedition,cross the line?
Doesn’t sound like you bothered to read the entire article. We will be LUCKY if there is enough push-back against these seditious groups to foment a civil war. Again I say we will be LUCKY. We are witnessing the creation of a shadow government in the U.S. These people are SERIOUS, are well-organized, socked to the rafters with attorneys from the Obama administration, and VERY WELL-FUNDED, thanks to George Soros and Obama. So far everyone else is walking around as though nothing unusual is happening, and expecting Trump to prevail. The “normalization of deviance” (look it up if you don’t know what that is) is active in large segments of the population. This needs to change and fast. Sloganeering won’t do it. And I’m sorry but I am getting tired of watching the Trump administration succumbing to the same hypnosis, filing appeals in the court system against errant judges who have taken it upon themselves with backing from these seditious groups, to challenge illegally the constitutional authority of the President in matters of immigration and national security. Trump and his AG should be kicking ass. Instead they are blinking.
There is not enough bullshit out there already to cover a 24/7 news-cycle. Why do you think CNN and others began to make shit up; make mountains out of mole hills; but ignore important and meaningful stories?
Perhaps it is about the 8 things to control, as stated by Saul Alinsky.
Number 6 - Education Take control of what people read and listen to; take control of what children learn in school.
Although I personally feel Saul Alinsky was a ‘loser’, a Saul that could not become a Paul. He did say some truthful, or accurate, things though.
Keeping in mind, that what I have found so far, is that Alinsky did not join any group or profess affiliation with any group. Alinsky may have been a bitter, narrow minded, man; but he was not totally stupid, no sophist is stupid. I dont like Lenin either, but that does not change the fact he was successful in obtaining his goals, no matter how bad those goals were.
Alinsky saw this simple axiom as true; It is better to rule from the shadows, then lead from the throne. Thus the reason for not joining groups, even the ones he created.
To be an archaeologist, was an endeavor Alinsky professed to enjoy and was educated in; I, therefore, assume he had a fairly good background in human history and anthropology as well. Just bad interpretation and a deficient understanding of the data he obtained. Archeology paid no money at the time, competition for funding was intense in those days, and it consolidated no real power. Indiana Jones, he was not.
This is the sign of a real good sophist, a person who can beguile others with the ‘near’ truth.
What was Alinskys worst contribution to humanity, his error or fallacy you may ask?
He was similar in respect to Freud, grandfather of Edward Bernays; Freud was a basically blame it on your environment kind of guy. A tag-line that Alinsky evolved and enlarged upon in his books.
It could not be that your life sucks because you wont do anything about it. It has got to be someone or something elses fault that your a fuck up. And here is a tidbit about the social/herd mentality; fuck ups cling together and become mobs.
It was Bernays, who is one of the main characters to perfect the use of the mob; mob hysteria. Compared to Bernayss shark devouring humanity, Alinsky was a minnow. When someone says that it is for the people, watch out. I am always skeptical of a person who wants, what should be, a terrible responsibility.
Saul Alinsky was a community organizer for many years in Chicago, where Obie, also a community organizer comes from. 2016, averages 2 murders a day in Chicago, need I say more. Real good, assholes.
The root of Alinskys deception was in his use of ‘Have and Have-Nots’; inevitably class creation. No one ever asked the question, ‘why this happened? He just lied by omission and let the people believe someone took from them something they never possessed in the first place.
Here is a truth you will not like to hear. Whenever a society creates an ‘unattended government’ (this appears to be similar to an unattended child in the ‘Five & Dime’ store, a thing I remember from my childhood) you inevitably end up with a class or caste structure. How you say? Easy, those in power and those that are not. This is the true nature of a Democracy, the United States is a Constitutional Republic; our founding documents are very good, our roll-out sucks.
Exercising power appears to be the most addicting behavior there is, makes heroin addiction look like a minor cold. To exercise power you got to have some one to exercise it on, duh.
In other words Saul, “because some have, and some do not, boo-hoo.” So Saul; because some had power and you did not, you sought to get power by defrauding the people of the truth. I believe this statement applies to the Clintons as well. I will not get into Hillarys connection to Alinsky here.
Everything about Alinsky was about amassed people power and the end justified the means. Alinsky knew he did not want to be king turd on shit island but the position of first advisor was cool. Sort of like Valerie Jarretts position, make a lot of trouble that someone else gets blamed for.
And here is another little truthful tidbit to chew on,
The only way to achieve permanent world peace is to kill all the humans, part two of this is worse; believe it when I say there are humans who think about this and would like to see it.
Mostly only the weak and the lazy need ideological groups of any kind, upon this Saul and I agree. The difference being that Saul saw his ‘have-nots’ as an unorganized source of political (people) power, H. Clinton saw this as well, in truth everyone who desires power knows this. It appears people power was something Saul desired, needed, to become his version of Paul. Essentially to obtain this power required preying on the weak minded and uninformed; typically those that inhabit large cities.
Education, truthfully people, education is free or essentially it is. It depends on how you value your time. The best educated people throughout history have been those that are self taught, who own their own knowledge and how they obtained it. For example I offer, Percy Spencer, the man who made the microwave oven. He never finished grade school.
Look at all the (on-line) educational institutions competing for your Internet dollar. The data, the information, the knowledge is out there and readily available, it is up to you on how you get it. What is it worth for you to KNOW? And the more you know the harder it is for ideologues to control you and possibly a better individual you will become.
no disguising a turd, obamma is what he is, his legacy will be the most corrupt side winding pos ever to step foot in the peoples house..
Probably never. You'll notice that none of these articles ever provide evidence that Obama himself has any involvement in any of this. This guy is barely smart enough to tie his own shoes.
Calm yourself pearl clutcher. This is all well in hand. These leftist louts have been doing the same thing for 100 years. They are worn out hasbeens without enough juice left to quench their thirst.
Leftists are digging a hole out of which they will not crawl. Give them enough rope and they will all hang. There are no surprises here.
well said, this is our last chance to save the country, it is war, and we will lose if we don’t get congress to step it is said much, those rinos did nothing but calls for repeal and never had a plan to replace it with..
so overall I agree..winning means steamroller them, I want wailing and gnashing of teeth from the enemy of my country
“Obama hinted he will return to community organizing, stating: I promise you that next year Michelle and I are going to be right there with you, and the clouds are going to start parting and the sun is going to come back out, and were going to be busy, involved in the amazing stuff that weve been doing all these years before.”
What a narcissistic POS! We’ve already had 8 years of the “oceans receding” and the “planet healing” and it didn’t work out so well. So now, we voted overwhelmingly to go in a totally different direction so he should too.
Does anybody doubt that he would have stayed in the White House if he truly believed he had the military behind him to support his usurpation?
Ohhh nooo,
The mookabooker obammy belongs right up there on Mount Rushmore.
Ok, maybe left in the gutter on State Street.
Trumps biggest obstacles are Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell,that’s it FOLKS,he will be blocked at every turn unless he goes ballistic and refuses to sign anything and shuts the government down until those traitors relent
Community organizer Obama selling cars?
You gotta be kidding.
Community organizer is a euphemism for “male escort.”
The only thing he’s suited for __________ ______.
Fill in the blanks.
Not lock up - exile. The titular head of the Former Regime, 2009-2017, is as much a despot as Baby Doc Jean-Claude Duvalier of Haiti, though with probably fewer actual tortures and/or imprisonments. Baby Doc spread poverty while living a very lavish personal lifestyle, and in fact, was so bad he incurred the wrath of the Carter Administration. Finally overthrown in 1986, he fled to France.
Baby Doc, thinking emotions had cooled in the interim, returned in 2011, only to be arrested upon his arrival, where he was charged with massive embezzlement and other crimes against the state. On February 28, 2013, Duvalier pleaded not guilty to charges of corruption and human rights abuse. He had the good grace to die of a heart attack on October 4, 2014, at the age of 63.
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