President Trump has been doing wonderful things since taking office. And all the bad guys are opposed to him, which is further evidence that he is doing really good things.
That said, he did say that he would work to put into place something like single-payer health care/insurance. Seems he’s following through on that promise.
So, we shouldn’t really be surprised that he’s keeping his word.
Don't even start with that BS. You know that's not true.
"As far as single payer, it works in Canada. It works incredibly well in Scotland. It could have worked in a different age, which is the age you're talking about, here."-DJT 9-2015
This hints at why I was not a fan of Trump from the beginning. But he’s turned out much better than I expected, and if he eliminates the mandates, I’m happy.
I mean, western culture is going down soon anyway, no matter how you slice it, and Trump is not the second coming. But I seriously love how he makes the left squirm.
At least, when all of this comes crashing down, the left will have finally been exposed. Of course, it’s also what Revelation mentions.;-)