I disagree it is Government that is the issue not employer. It is a benefit that separates a competitive market looking to attract talent. In fact before Obamacare my healthcare costs were quite small. Because of Obamacare insurance companies have sky rocketed costs and in turn employer has placed a much larger burden on their employees to offset the rise. Trust me it isn’t employers that are the problem it is 100% government interference.
I’ll go one further, Republicans have allowed Dumborats to control the message by forcing them to accept a repeal and replace and an idiot public has bought into the meme. How about just repeal? Just repeal the whole damn thing? Pre Obamacare my costs were cheap.
It’s th stupid tax code that makes the employer part of the problem. If you work for me and I pay you $10,000 then we both pay our portion of the payroll taxes and you report $10,000 as taxable income on your tax return. If I pay you $0 but pay $10,000 for your medical insurance, then neither one of us pays any payroll taxes and you report $0 of taxable income on your tax return. That is stupid beyond belief.