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Trump correct, FISA court granted wiretap on Trump Tower Under Obama Administration
Gateway Pundit ^ | March 4, 2017 | Lucian Wintrich

Posted on 03/05/2017 9:35:38 AM PST by Rustybucket

Of course the news of the morning on the political talk shows, stated that Trump did it again! He gave a great speech, then threw it away with absurd allegations of Trump tower being bugged! Thanks to Chris Olsen for this information!! They stated that there are only 2 ways to legally wiretap anyone, one is with a court order by a judge, and the other is a FISA warrant. They said (all of them) that this did not exist. The truth, and they should know this by now, is that there was a FISA courts filing approved under the Obama Administration, which resulted in no findings. Here is a link to prove Trumps statement.

TOPICS: Constitution/Conservatism; Crime/Corruption; Government; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: deepstate; insurrection; msm; obama; obamagate; obamapolicestate; sedition; shadowgovernment; towergate; trump; trumptowergate; wiretap
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To: philman_36

Absolutely. I wasn’t being smart-alek, although when i reread what i said, it sounds like it. ;-)

81 posted on 03/05/2017 4:17:27 PM PST by Nita Nupress (To Wash DC: America is coming. And we're bringing Galt-Right Donald J. Trump with us.)
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To: Nita Nupress
"Exactly! See my #2 point in 55. I’m loving this!"

There has been a high volume of troll activity today on several conservative sites. I think this scares them, and they are pushing back hard.
82 posted on 03/05/2017 4:20:42 PM PST by Steve_Seattle
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To: Nita Nupress
I wasn’t being smart-alek, although when i reread what i said, it sounds like it.

Not at all. Bounce it around is how I took it.

BTW, regarding the offices tomorrow morning...

Who is going to be waiting in those offices when everyone arrives? No hiding under the desks, as it were.

83 posted on 03/05/2017 4:25:38 PM PST by philman_36 (Pride breakfasted with plenty, dined with poverty and supped with infamy. Benjamiin Franklin)
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To: pepsionice
So THIS is the hill the libs want to die on.

Obama didn't order the wiretap.

Sure it was under his administration and all, but you can't expect the PRESIDENT to know about such trifling matters, right?

He didn't know nuffin'! He read about it in the papers.

So the media wants us to think that Obama is really really stupid, and had no clue about what his underlings were doing.

Oh, but he brought such class, intelligence, and lack of scandal to the WH.

So stop questioning him.

84 posted on 03/05/2017 4:35:29 PM PST by boop ("We don't feel like we are doing anything illegal"- Democrat credo)
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To: Steve_Seattle
There has been a high volume of troll activity today on several conservative sites. I think this scares them, and they are pushing back hard.

I don't doubt it. Remember how we used to be jealous of the trolls who we pictured sitting in Clinton's WH basement getting paid to FReep? Some things never change. Now they get to surf in their pj's, i suppose. ;-)

85 posted on 03/05/2017 4:57:36 PM PST by Nita Nupress (To Wash DC: America is coming. And we're bringing Galt-Right Donald J. Trump with us.)
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To: dandiegirl
Someone needs to wire tap Obama and Jarrett’s headquarters. I think there is a good reason at this point.

You betcha'! Reasonable suspicion in spades. Put the Miami Vice Bug Van out front and what about an ongoing protest rally with signs, speeches, etc. I mentioned the other day get 10,000 Bikers do rolling weekly shifts out front. Hey Barry, you believe in Freedom of Assembly and Freedom of Speech don't you? Oh, and don't worry, we'll let you by when you walk over to the mosque across the street.

Hat Tip to Fred Nerks, Obama's new digs, right across the street from a Mosque and Islamic Center:

Thank God we have an American back in the White House, and a fighter to boot!

86 posted on 03/05/2017 8:07:46 PM PST by Art in Idaho (Conservatism is the only Hope for Western Civilization.)
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To: Nita Nupress
Sic ‘em, Mr. President. Show NO mercy.

Well said Nita. No Quarter!

87 posted on 03/05/2017 8:13:20 PM PST by Art in Idaho (Conservatism is the only Hope for Western Civilization.)
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To: Rustybucket
TrumpTowerGate, the shredding of our constitution by the following criminals like Nixon!

88 posted on 03/06/2017 6:43:50 AM PST by Grampa Dave ( Obama shredded our constitution with his TrumpTowerGate. Obama is today's Nixon!)
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To: Grampa Dave

Of course, the 800# Elephant in the room being ignored is this. All these “Anonymous Sources” leaking classified information, never identified. Could it be the results of illegal wiretapping? At least some of them? This is a poorly executed but planned assault to go after Trump and his administration, in concert with people loyal to Obama still in the white house. Trump has baited the trap, and is set to catch rats. So far, he has not made outrageous statements without having information and evidence. I am waiting for physical confirmation like, bugs, etc.
This is going to be very bad for some people, and I suspect that since they are not fighting a politician, rather a businessman, the Dems are going to lose, but that is just my Opinion.

89 posted on 03/06/2017 9:20:56 AM PST by Rustybucket
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