, I stayed on at the National Security Council in order to serve my country>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
By leaking classified info. to the Muslim Brotherhood?
This is likely one of the sordid leak sources , and now that she stands a good chance of being cauught , she m akes herself a darling of the left and bails because she cannot serve her Umma before the country anymore?
Hers are not the actions of a person who “serves my country.”
Muslims don’t have a country. They have their ummah. It’s a worldwide emptiness where every one of them has to live according to sharia. The imam tells them when to wash, when to pee and when to pray to allah. They are nothing but drones of the pedophile pirate mohammad. May she have her genitals mutilated and become some bearded, dirty night-shirt wearing fanatic’s fourth wife.
And return to that mohammadan paradise where-ever she, or her ancestors came from. Then she can wash her hair in camel urine.
swatcha gunna do? Fly more aircraft into buildings? Set off some roadside bombs? Capture a bunch of Christian women and use them as sex slaves? Go to Syria and join ISIS?
She's a beotch of the first order, give her an humanitarian award and install her at the UN as a human rights advocate...she's so toxic I'm sure we will see more of her.