Yes, we have had more than the yearly average by about 25% - before this round of storms - since January 1, 2017. Yearly average is 7.4 inches and YTD we have had 9.4 - actually 22%.
Mt Rose ski area has had over 500 inches of snow fall since November.
Okay thanks. Didn’t mean to give you a hard time. I thought that was what you meant.
Weather, it’s cyclical. Who knew?
It was my thought that sooner or later we were in for some pretty heavy rains. Well, it did turn out to be later, but here they are.
It’s kind of funny how the public obsesses over these things, led by the media generally.
Down here in the Los Angeles area, they carp for months about “...when is it going to rain, is there any rain in the five-day?” Then before the first drops fall (almost literally) they start carping about, “...when will this rain end, is there any relief in the five-day?”
El Nino and el Nina were discovered about 15-20 years ago, at least that’s when they started talking about it a lot. Now they can hardly cover the weather without mentioning them.
Now there’s a new phrase that I laugh at. They are now referring to atmospheric rivers.
Good grief...