Milo’s remarks reminded me of the things Ann used to say and do.
She used to annoy and piss off conservatives on a regular basis. Yet she remains in our good graces. (Depending on who you ask.)
I think Milo’s clarification; his “apology” if you will; will keep him in favor with conservatives. For now.
But I will say this. Ann never said anything so shocking and egregious and what Milo said. Only because Milo pisses off the left so completely is why many conservatives are willing to overlook his homo lifestyle and give him a pass.
Again - for now.
Doesn’t remind me at all.
Although Milo is a political conservative, he suffers from his indoctrination to a most secret society and accepts it as his norm. One statement for public consumption, another under the sheets.
needs Jesus. What happened to him young was wrong and he is being naive.
The Soviets were our allies during WWII.
War and politics make strange bedfellows. Right now the left is a much bigger enemy of ours than anything Milo has said.
Let’s not pursue perfection at the expense of good.
Because Milo’s sharp stilleto is aimed squarely at the left’s heart and he is capable of scoring deep points he is admired by the right. On another thread it was noted, “Milo needs Jesus.” I wholeheartedly concur. He is a fallen, lost soul, standing in need of Christ’s salvation.