And at what point do we take off from work, get our guns (#### you cuomo) and go to DC to help Trump?
We’re not there yet.
Would be an AWESOME show of solidarity for a million men with guns to flood DC in support of Trump
March 4th.
I urge the gospel gun.
There will soon be a new song coming out of heaven. A physical song will attempt to roughly express it. Lets say ASCAP and the Trump Foundation will be involved. As well as ole RedNeck and his buddy. Pray like mad for its success. I am not at liberty to say more but God will do us all humbly proud.
Conservatives look for excuses as to why they cant even counter protest the left.
We need to participate in the digital/information/demonstration war that is instead of bragging about winning a shooting war that may never happen. It’s little more than telling the left to terrorize as much as you want short of shooting at people, because anything short of that isn’t going to excite the right enough to do much more than complain.