I believe in the Constitution and its First Amendment at the top.
The media should be free to publish and spread their ‘stuff’ about Donald Trump and Steve Bannon, Kellyane Conway and the list goes on.
We can’t go back to Richard Nixon when his Federal Communications Commission emulated the Democrats Roosevelt, Truman, Kennedy and Johnson in use of the Fairness Doctrine against media that opposed them.
But there should be alternative media to tell them they are full of ‘stuff’ and the White House should absolutely reserve the right to exclude media from its premises and tell the media they are ‘full of it’ as well.
“I believe in the Constitution and its First Amendment at the top.
The media should be free to publish and spread their stuff about Donald Trump and Steve Bannon, Kellyane Conway and the list goes on.”
They just don’t need to be let in the house though.
Push them outside. Specifically all the #FAKENEWS groups like CNN, NBC, ABC, NYT, WAPO, etc. For example, don’t let them into the WH Press Briefings. Kick them out!
Why let the Opposition Party in knowing that their sole purpose is the utter destruction of you and your family? No way! Kick them out.
We should bring back the fairness doctrine! We could finally get our side of the arguments on the air.
How do you feel about a media that is almost totally controlled by the CIA that is against Trump? A media that is almost totally run by Globalists?
I agree that the alternative media is absolutely essential, but the NDAA act sets up a “ministry” of truth run out of the state department IIRC, so don’t be surprised if Chinese type censorship comes to the internet. That’s probably what Zuckerberg was working on when he met with Chinese.
At any rate, the CIA will be busy trying to take over the free press-I am pretty sure of that JMHO.