Posted on 02/11/2017 5:55:25 AM PST by davikkm
Sweden and Germany are funding two orphanages in Morocco in the hope of easing the problem of homeless Moroccan street children, many of whom have joined criminal gangs. Now in its first stage, this is a pilot project which will provide a total of 200 beds. The idea is that in future, we will build more of these centres [in Morocco], Swedish Interior Minister Anders Ygeman told Dagens Nyheter.
The first orphanages are expected to be ready in the Spring, and will provide access to medical and psychiatric care along with education and training for jobs. Staff, who will be sourced from NGOs, at the homes will also work to reunite returnees with their families.
Living on the streets of Stockholm and other cities, a number of young migrants have said that they want to return to Morocco, but previously their homeland refused to take them back.
Dagens Nyheter reports that a deal was agreed between the three countries after Moroccan King Mohammed Ben Al-Hassan met with Chancellor Angela Merkel at the end of 2016.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Yes, and the lesson the Moroccans are learning is that if you keep on sending ‘street children’, Western governments will fund orphanages to send them back.
They will apply this lesson in general, so you flood Europe with ‘migrants’ and demand payment to take them back. Great work if you can get it. I wonder if the King owns the construction company!
Turn them back at the borders now.
It sounds like a good idea.
Sorry, can't seem to avoid reading it that way I beyond repair?
ITEM---Secy Hillarys Two Official Favors To Morocco Resulted In
$28 Million For Clinton Foundation a naked bribe and a major scandal.
ITEM---Michele Obama's recent visit to Morocco nets the Obamas $100 million dollars
2008---the US State Dept's Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) (chaired by Hillary) commenced a five-year, $697.5 million compact with the Kingdom of Morocco to reduce poverty and stimulate economic growth.
The State Dept's MCC compact invests in expansion of fruit tree agriculture (including olives, nuts, and dates), support for small-scale fisheries and fish-markets, enhancement of the artisanal sector in the city of Fes, and training for small-scale businesses across all these sectors .........with an emphasis on training for women and youth including literacy training.
2012---Former Secy of State Hillary Clinton shakes hands with Morocco's
Foreign Minister Saad Eddine Othmani in Rabat Feb 26, 2012.
2015--Former US president Bill Clinton, on a private visit to Morocco, was received in the Rabat royal palace by HM King Mohammed VI.
ABC News reported in may 6, 2015 that ex-president Bill Clinton and the Clinton Foundations Global Initiative were being hosted at a five-star luxury hotel in Morocco by one of the world's most controversial mining companies, criticized for "serious human rights violations" by the Robert F. Kennedy Center for Justice.
The Moroccan government-owned mining company OCP operates in disputed international territory in a remote part of the Saharan Desert and the firm has been criticized for removing the resources without adequately compensating the impoverished people who live there.
Any time the human rights of a population are systematically suppressed in this type of way it's a serious concern, and I think it's worthy of attention, said David McKean, who has studied the issue for the RFK center.
OCP mining paid $1 million to help host the event and throw a private cocktail reception, to the dismay of human rights activists.
2015---Hillary Gets Paid Off By The King Of Morocco: Bill Clinton got (a) paid speeches, (b) Clinton Foundation donations, and, in return, then-Secy Hillary would give US support from the State Dept. Despite Morocco's human rights abuses, Hillary was viewed as being among its most ardent supporters in the Obama administration.
WIKILEAKS---"This was HRCs idea, our office approached the Moroccans and they 100 percent believe they are doing this at her request. The King has personally committed approx. $12 million both for the endowment and to support the meeting.
Abedin said Clintons attendance at the CGI event was a condition of the $12 million contribution. Just to give you some context, the condition upon which the Moroccans agreed to host the meeting was her participation. If HRC was not part if it, meeting was a non-starter, Abedin said.
2016 OBAMAS READY TO CASH-IN---Pres O gave Mrs O $100 million tax dollars from the State Dept's Millennium Challenge Corporation (chaired by Hillary) on Michele's visit to Morocco for the purpose of "teaching Muslim girls"...... to be administered by the post-presidency tax-exempt Obama Foundation.
Michele, her daughters and her mother in Morocco's palace.
Look at that smile----getting 100 million tax dollars to spend makes even greedy Michele smile.
“Sorry, can’t seem to avoid reading it that way I beyond repair? “
I too find myself overwhelmed by cynicism.
I don’t think there are orphanages in most Muslim countries. Children have no value unless they are your children. Children without parents must be prostitutes to survive. (Or, so an Iranian oil crew worker told me.) A child with no family and no clan has zero value, except as a sex toy.
Hillaryous Rotten Criminal and her CF should foot the bill. Barry & McCain could chip in. They caused the problem. Seize their assets. Throw these criminals in prison.
It’s for the children.
Tremendous posts (per usual), Liz. Thanks.
but Kellyanne Conway's saying buy Ivanka's line of clothing is an ethics violation.
If this is really true, how many more of these outrages have happened? Are still happening? No wonder the uniparty is terrified of a President Trump. Draining the swamp will sweep away so much corruption and legal garbage where money transfers from working people to elites.
Let Madonna adopt them. She won't have to corrupt them because they already are.
Here's some real blood-boilers....and what you can do about it follows.
ITEM---She's a Clinton crony from way back and Secy Hillary's top aide at the State Dept. Cheryl Mills, a govt employee, found time to run a side business.....the "BlackIvy Group," a consulting firm and property developer in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Cheryl is (cough) "developing" a privately-financed dry port that will be located 56 km outside of the Port of Dar es Salaam, and will use shuttle trains to take transit and upcountry cargo to and from the Port, BlackIvy spokeswoman Erin Pelton confirmed to Breitbart News.
So how did the US-based "BlackIvy," a brand new firm with no discernible track record of building ports, manage to become an overnight player in the East African energy market?
It turns out Secy Clinton's cronies had help from a company called Symbion Power, which was created to profit off rebuilding efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan after the U.S. invasions. Symbion Power happens to be a very good friend of Hillary Clintons.
GAME ON Amb Wilson teamed up w/ Blumenthal, pumping himself up as a 'director' of Symbion Power---an outfit seeking millions of dollars in contracts from an obscure State Dept government agency chaired by Hillary....the Millennium Challenge Corp. (MCC)
In September 2010, Hillary's MCC awarded Symbion $47 million tax dollars for (cough) 'power projects in Tanzania.'
EVER WONDER how much of the $47 million tax dollars got to Tanzania....after the players divvied it up among Blumenthal, Wilson, the Clintons, Obama?
<><> Did Mills BlackIvy Group donate to The Clinton Foundation? <><> Did the Clinton Foundation partner w/ her BlackIvy Group in some phony sub-Sahara scam for the children? <><> Did Hillarys State Dept grant Mills Group tax monies? <><>Did any of the Sub-Sahara countries listed above donate to the Clinton Foundation?
NOTE--OBAMA ALSO HELPED HIMSELF TO STATE DEPT TAX DOLLARS The State Dept's Millenium Challenge Corp is also the source of the 100 million tax dollars Michele gave to Morocco "to teach Muslim girls"
Obama pledges $7 billion to upgrade power in Africa
CNN ^ | Updated 0044 GMT (0844 HKT) July 1, 2013 | By Faith Karimi and Matt Smith, CNN / FR Posted by vannrox
U.S. President Barack Obama pledged $7 billion Sunday to help combat frequent power blackouts in sub-Saharan Africa.
Funds from the initiative, dubbed Power Africa, will be distributed over the next five years. Obama made the announcement during his trip to South Africa, the continent's biggest economy.
"Access to electricity is fundamental to opportunity in this age. It's the light that children study by, the energy that allows an idea to be transformed into a real business. It's the lifeline for families to meet their most basic needs, and it's the connection that's needed to plug Africa into the grid of the global economy," he said.
Two-thirds of the population of sub-Saharan Africa lacks access to electricity, including more than 85% of those living in rural areas, the White House said. "A light where currently there is darkness -- the energy to lift people out of poverty -- that's what opportunity looks like," Obama told students at Cape Town University.
"So this is America's vision: a partnership with Africa for growth, and the potential for every citizen, not just a few at the top."
PIC President Barack Obama kicks around an energy-generating soccer ball at a power plant in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, on Tuesday, July 2.
Obama was pushing for partnerships in energy as he concluded a three-nation trip to Africa. Tanzanian President Jakaya Kikwete, third from right, joined Obama at the Symbion Power Plant at Ubungo.
Obamas invoke Mandela's legacy: The program includes $1.5 billion from the U.S. Overseas Private Investment Corporation and $5 billion from the Export-Import Bank, the White House said. Sub-Saharan Africa will need more than $300 billion to achieve universal electricity access by 2030, it said.
The preliminary setup will include Ethiopia, Kenya, Liberia, Nigeria, Tanzania, Uganda and Mozambique. -- SNIP -- (Excerpt) Read more at ...
FREEPER ACTION PROJECT--DO THIS NOW: demand the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) books be opened.
We demand to know the financial details and the scope and dimension of individuals connected to these outrageous State Dept giveaways.........govt parasites profiting at taxayers' expense.
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