They only rounded up 164 in California out of the 3-4 Million here, It’s a Start at least, Now let’s ramp this up and get 1000 EVERY DAY, You could clean up Los Angeles in a Year.
I say start with those who registered to vote. Go through the list and any Hispanic name, determine their citizenship. Those who are not citizens, voted illegally and get deported. It would be a two for one clean up.
As a California native, I'm betting the state has four times that number of illegals.
Small, steady enforcement will bring this thing to a head and drive potentially millions out.
Add to that anyone who comes in contact with LEO (a work in progress) and we’ll nearly solve the problem.
Except we’ll have to arrest and charge a dozen employers per month and completely destroy their businesses and their lives.
And, by bring it to a head, I mean ignite the full-on riots in the streets. That is the very best mid-term strategy. Make them foaming-at-the-mouth damage on a large scale...violence against others. The full meal deal.
Within 6 months most of America will demand we hunt them all up and deport them.