But he fundamentally came out and said that he disagreed with Plank saying nice and supportive things about the President of these United States because President Trump has been divisive. See, so now it is unacceptable for anyone to say open borders is unacceptable (for Western Christian countries only) because it is almost like 1930’s Hitler talk to want to keep the third-world and Muslim terrorists and sharia out.
Trump has been divisive, huh?
Well, the RATS define divisive as “anyone who disagrees with us on anything.” They can’t POSSIBLY be divisive, in their own teeny minds. Of course, it’s impossible to AGREE with the RATS because nothing they believe makes the slightest sense (for example, “Let’s let terrorists into the country! Yay!”) ... so. Yeah. Guess we’re divisive. Live with it, idiots.
As for Hollywood. I’m all in with boycotting them. Don’t give them a dime. Don’t go and see their movies (which generally suck anyway). Don’t rent new movies. Let them make their money off their own kind - oh, wait... most of THEM don’t work and just illegally download movies anyway... sorry, there, Hollywood. Must suck to be YOU.
Better yet - let California secede and take the whole colony of dimwitted socialist actors with them. They can make Judd Apatow President ... oh, wait... I forgot... it’s Hollywood, so it would have to be some raving moonbat lesbian... Hmm. On second thought... it IS Hollywood, so Judd Apatow could declare he self-identifies as a raving moonbat lesbian this week and be President of Commufornia after all...
/morning rant. Need more coffee (or maybe not). :-)
Hitler adored muslims to the extent that his “Mein Kampf” is based on the koran; some of his best SS troops were all muslim.
Hatred is what bound them. Hatred of the inferior races: Hitler and his Aryan master race: the Jews and other inferior sorts like blacks; Arab muslims are the master race: the Jews and blacks - fit only to be slaves.