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To: All

Stop already. We are acting as badly as the snowflakes who supported Hillary.

This is not over. Trump has numerous ways to circumvent the 9th Circuit decision. Everyone knows the Ninth is the most reversed Circuit court and this will too not likely stand up to scrutiny by the SCOTUS.

Look at this way. The District and Circuit courts are now in the position of hoping NOTHING of a terrorist nature happens. This is across the board. Should an attack happen in Europe, it only shows Trump was right in his assessment of the failure of the current vetting process.

If the Justice Department takes it to Justice Kennedy, he could reverse the Ninth and reinstate the EO since the Ninth falls under his jurisdiction.

Worst case, the EO could be re-written in a form that would pass judicial muster.

Imagine if an Ohio State or San Bernardino would happen in the next couple of weeks by a “refugee”. What would Schumer and the Democrats say then?

Most of us are not attorneys and we don’t have all the information available to our President. Let’s quit the hand-wringing and see what happens. I support our President and will give him the benefit of the doubt.

193 posted on 02/09/2017 5:30:47 PM PST by offduty
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To: offduty

When you have a permission slip, never ASK for permission.

Trump had legal authority to close the border to who and what he saw fit. Instead the fool has asked the 9th for permission to do his job!??

197 posted on 02/09/2017 5:36:36 PM PST by Professional
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To: offduty

So now we are supposed to hope for a terrorist attack because that’s the only way we can get the country to see that the Judicial/Leftist coup-de-tat was wrong?

If he has “numerous ways to circumvent the 9th Circuit” then I suggest he use one now. However, as it sits he has pretty much no power on the issue of national security, immigration, border control or refugee admissions. The United States effectively has no borders and the President has no ability to control entry in the nation. This is beyond what Hillary said when she called for an open hemisphere...we have an open world right now and no way to stop anyone from coming in for any reason.

Some propaganda points blaming terrorist attacks on the Democrats and the Judiciary doesn’t give me much sense of security.

202 posted on 02/09/2017 5:41:42 PM PST by Scott from the Left Coast
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