Posted on 02/08/2017 5:17:09 AM PST by browniexyz
Bernie and his loons are extreme libs, and libs NEVER let the facts stand in the way of their twisted ideas.
It’s almost like we have socialism in 70 percent of American counties!!
What’s Bernie complaining about!!
Cruz, as a Senator, should have been in the Senate chamber voting against the motion to allow Fauxahontas to continue impugning fellow Senator Sessions. Making roadkill of Sanders on national television is one of the few reasons for not being there that is acceptable to me. Keep steamrolling the left, Ted.
Ted needs the powers of bilocation!!
Brilliant point by Sen. Cruz.
Short story: I had a Russian friend come visit, and took him to a typical American grocery store. He was most amazed by the fact we had multiple brands of products.
I asked him, “You don’t have that in Russia?”
He replied, “No. When you go to the store, you buy rice. You buy coffee. The packages have that single word on it, maybe some instructions. No brands. Just rice. Just coffee.”
Ted’s lying. And his Dad killed Kennedy.
Winning a debate with a socialist. Not too difficult!
And the plans they offer are complete crap. You’d do better to negotiate your own bill down with the doctor’s and hospitals than have Obamacare pay a very small percentage of the bills. And no, I’m not kidding. My wife and I had only one plan to choose from and it was crap. I felt like the government mafia was forcing us to buy a plan or pay a penalty or buy their coverage which will almost always take in more than it pays out unless you have a catastrophic illness or health condition. Even then you’d still do better negotiating your medical bills with the providers than let Obamacare screw it up.
Winning a debate with a socialist. Not too difficult!
Such things were actively discouraged by the “Progressive” media a decade ago.
They were not “banned” they were just not done in meaningful ways.
He should be the GOP point man for debates on all subjects, one at a time. The ambitious Democrat should have to go thru him on a national stage to be taken seriously.
“Ted’s lying and his dad killed Kennedy”
Its great that you can say that now without setting FR on fire. Regardless of what happened during the campaign Ted is one of our staunchest allies in the death struggle with the left.
I think there are still a few deranged freaks who actually believe that.
How will that change under Trumpcare?
Yes, it was just a wry reminder of how badly we wounded ourselves during the fray. I suppose the saying is true, that you can't make an omelette without breaking eggs.
My husband and I are in one of those counties. We only had one option. He’s got fairly good insurance for himself, he’s healthy. We own our own business, with no employees other than ourselves. Due to 2 car crashes and the other at-fault drivers sorry insurance I have permanent disabilities that were not attended to properly at the time of the collisions. Our “good” insurance pushed me into zerocare in 2015.
This year with the zerocare down to one option which does not cover any of my four successful doctors and therapy, I chose to “move” into rental property we happen to own in another county. I know most folks aren’t blessed with the option of another address and we are fortunate. But this is really a STUPID way to run healthcare. I certainly appreciate Sen. Cruz sticking that map in Bernies’s face and the whole CNN viewing audience. I’d love the opportunity to get in their faces and tell why we need responsible repeal and replacement of this atrocity.
Oh, the healthcare plan we now fully pay for is NOT Obamacare. Those zerocare fascists are bombarding our mailbox and my email refusing to accept that I have left the plan. Another reason I love President Trump. If the beast had been elected I’d probably have brown-shirts knocking down my door for not ponying up to their fool illegal extortion.
The left and mainstream media has been totally silent about the Cruz/Sanders debate this morning. I take it that most likely means Cruz totally destroyed Sanders....
Only a few. Most only believed it when it was convenient.
With all due respect, Cruz had this scheduled for more than a week. Nobody knew that Warren was going to implode even when warned on this particular evening. Nobody knew when the debate would be because of the Democrats delays. Far more people who needed to see what he did to Sanders and ObamaCare saw it because the lemmings all watch CNN. The only reason I knew what was happening on the Senate floor at 8:00 in the evening was because of FR. The typical CNN viewer is never here.
A friend of ours daughter was in South America for quite awhile helping the poor. It was quite the culture shock when she came back to the states.
She sat down in the aisle at Costco crying. (Yes - she is a liberal, but still just a kid with a huge heart.) I hope someday she realizes WHY Costco is stuffed to the brim with all of that crap.
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