Since that time and the "choice" discussions under way then, unions and so-called "progressives" have blocked any moves to provide parents and children relief from being imprisoned in failing schools--especially those in inner cities where minorities continue to suffer.
Union influence from the largest union in America, wielding its power through the Progressive Democrat voting block and bureaucrats harms poor and underprivileged students most.
which he said would fix the education system already fixed by the 2001 GW Bush and Ted Kennedy legislation called No Child Left Behind,
which was supposed to fix a system supposedly already fixed by a 1994 piece of federal legislation called Goals 2000,
which was supposed to fix a system already fixed by America 2000,
which was a 1991 response during the Bush administration to a 1983 federal report on education called A Nation at Risk,
which was published a full four years after Jimmy Carter first fixed the nations public school system by establishing a cabinet-level Department of Education in 1979.