He should be removed from the bench.
SJW in a robe.
I bet this idiot leftist judge’s mind is in a tumult. City finances vs union vs, cops vs. DOJ vs. BLM, .
Activist judge should be impeached/removed.
How can he get away with this? He overruled the president.
This judge is insane.
Our society has gone stark raving mad.
Read Romans 1:21 to end of chapter.
God has given our society up to our own lusts. This can be seen most manifestly with our acceptance and legal promotion of the grossest perversions. And can be seen in other ways, such as this judge, along with the current SJW, leftists, etc.
Another Bush appointee bites us.
Is this the communist bastard that GW bush put on the bench.? This ruling defies the law and the constitution. It will be gone by Tuesday night, Then this judge needs to be removed as we fill over 100 vacant federal judge seats with scorched earth conservatives. YIPPI!!Go Trump.We love your vetting these people from terrorist countries. Thanks for putting us first!!
John Roberts and this guy. Boy George W can sure pick them
More proof we have Bush much more credit than he deserved.
Black Lives Matter is a domestic terrorist organization.
He’s a left-wing activist— He’s not a judge.
This rat judge,who was approved by Orin Hatch needs to be impeached off the bench....How can one. Person affect so many lives?????
Judges make their decisions on the LAW and the CONSTITUTION period, not their agenda, personal feelings, or stupidity
Newt had a plan and process to clean out rogue Fed judges. I’d ask him to be a Judge Czar.