“Ildefonso Guajardo tells the Televisa network that his country will be in a weak position at talks with U.S. President Donald Trump unless Mexico makes it clear it won’t accept just anything in order to preserve the three-nation trade pact. ”
It blows me away! These guys are like a bunch of fleas floating down a river on their backs with erections yelling “raise the bridge, we’re coming through!”
Like somehow Mexico has the “determining vote” in the continuation of NAFTA. To the extent that NAFTA has benefitted their crap hole country at the expense of the US (and probably Canada too) they sure do have a tub full of chuzpah when it comes to opening their yaps to complain when things start to change to make trade completely fair.
1000 pesos to the dollar anyone? Bueller?
Buh bye. See ya. Hasta la vista.
According to the US Census Bureau, We lost close to $59B dollars in trade swap with Mexico last year.
What most people don’t know is that Mexico is our second leading country in petroleum sales to us. They can’t afford to drop from NAFTA as the United States gave Mexico $51.5 million in foreign aid in 2013 alone. Of that amount, $24.8 million, the largest segment, was designated for democracy, human rights and governance. The next largest amount, $10.9 million, was designated for the environment, and $8.4 million was designated for economic development.
However, this would be a good time to start to ween from their oil and become more self sufficient with the Canadian oil and the pipeline, and open up ANWAR for more harvesting to become far more independent. And it will cost less and be easier to obtain this way.
Bye Felicia.
Good. Never should have happened in the first place.
Winning. We are negotiating from a position of great strength. Mexico needs us, we don’t need Mexico.
Well, bye. Don’t let the door hit you.
If they don’t get their way, what do they plan to do? Send a surge of their nation’s poor northward? Oh, wait...
Keep the harmless, hard-working Mehsicans long enough to pay for the wall through garnishment, while we seat-of-the-pants out the south door the felons (they’re all criminals), recidivist border jumpers and welfare cases.
Let Mehsico deal with the central Americans. How do they do it? By seat-of-the-pants ...
They export more to us than the other way around and we employ more Mexican workers, so let them leave if they want to, it will hurt them more.
That’s some damn fine negotiating skills Mr. Trump, already won before taking a seat at the bargaining table. My hat’s off to you sir.
By Jove - I think they’re catching on!
And democrats said they couldn’t be taught!
And we’ll be happy to close the door behind you when you do.
Sure you can. Then watch Mexico, a third world country, become a fourth world country.
Trump’s new wall will put a halt to Mexico’s two biggest exports..... Drugs and people.
Either way, it will be a win for us.
Adios, Mofo.