Excellent strategy suggested by Scott Lively.
To generalize a bit, secular humanism is America’s current Established Church and should be treated like any other religion.
“One of President Trumps first acts in office was to scrub the White House website of references to the LGBT agenda”
Sigh. President Trump scrubbed the ENTIRE obama website in toto, replacing it with an entirely new, unrelated website.
Nothing special about the LGBT part being scrubbed other than the fake stream media pretending like it was special: it simply went lights-out like all the rest.
I have an idea. Ignore them. The only ones who seem to really care about LBGT’s are other LGBT’s. It’s a lifestyle choice and frankly the majority of Americans couldn’t care any less about this.
But that may be the real problem. The LGBT’s are worried that no one cares so this is their way of gaining attention to their plight. What is it they are looking for? Equality? As far as I know, no one is asking in a job interview whether they identify as man, woman or golden retriever. Their own bathroom? You either pee standing up or sitting down, there is no third option.
I’m just not getting it. Maybe someone can explain this.
Revive the Defense of Marriage Act, leave marriage to the states and reinstate Dont Ask, Dont Tell in the military. End homosexual “marriages” on federal property and move on.
Pitting homosexuals against Christians is doomed to failure for Christians, as long as we continue to accept the false premise that homosexuality is equal to race, i.e. born that way.
Homosexuality is not genetic like ethnicity or skin color. It is not something beyond an indivual’s control.
It is a belief system regarding moral choices, reinforced by certain BEHAVIORAL CHOICES, that one can choose to engage in, or not.
As is Christianity.
On this basis, as a Christian, I must not be forced to participate in, or condone, BEHAVIORS or BELIEFS antithetical to my conscience or belief system. Stop telling me I’m a bigot or criminal because my moral and BEHAVIORAL CHOICES are different than a homosexual’s choices.
If this is true, then the adverse must also be true: homosexuals who refuse to conform to Christian beliefs and behaviors must also be bigots.
A wedding is an ACTIVITY, as is a parade.
I don’t wish to participate in, endorse, sponsor, or provide refreshments for, homosexual activities or behaviors.
I won’t bake the cake, any more than I would agree to march in a Gay Pride Parade.
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