This whole thing is blowing up in the fake stream media right now, and the great thing about it is that publishing, republishing, and commentary about this fake report is finishing off the tiny remaining credibility of the fake stream media because people will truly no longer know who to believe anymore.
Whats happening now is exactly the predicable endpoint of the fake stream medias massive bias, massive lies, and massive omissions of the actual truth, namely finally wrecking their dwindling credibility on the shoals of absolute chaos.
Seeing the Fake Stream Media being stomped into the mud reminds me of the line in the excellent movie, 'Lincoln Lawyer' when Matthew McConaughey told the prosecuting attorney; "You're bleeding to death from one thousand cuts and you don't even know it".
Yes, but the media live in a bubble, and will just publish fake polls showing that their attacks are working so they’ll continue. Even though we know better. They’ll never stop or admit anything because leftist totalitarian globalism is their religion. They just keep talking about how their polls show DJT is not popular blah blah, yet he’ll keep winning and fighting back. In two years the dems will lose more and they globalists will scratch their heads saying “well the polls said...” what happened! ha!
There’s another, possibly even bigger, reason that the MSM loses to Trump.
The MSM is swamped with people so incompetent that they still believe communism to be a viable concept.
These are people too horribly stupid to be capable of relating cause to effect over time. These idiots can not discern fact from fiction.
Their entire ideology is idiocy for idiots and no one but fellow traveling idiots trust a word they say, even when they’re try-harding to be accurate and honest.
They screwed us as citizens by shilling for ‘illary but they SCREWED THEIR OWN BASE by FAKING the polling reports and guaranteeing her victory, depressing their own turnout. That was the death rattle, I don’t know what to call the current mess.
Yo, Rich Lowry, the Russians had nothing to do with this fake news.
Only idiots, mediots, and Never Trumpster would be saying that at this time.
It wouldn’t surprise me if it turns out that National Review or some of its resident #nevertrumpers were involved in this “dossier” business. I suspect most of them are every bit as insane as anyone on CNN, Buttfeed, and MSNBC.