Posted on 01/12/2017 6:08:00 PM PST by markomalley
A radio station that covers the greater Washington, D.C. metropolitan area stopped running a pro-life ad this week after the abortion lobby complained.
WTOP pulled an ad from the Susan B. Anthony List (SBA List), a political group that elects and supports pro-life women, after "abortion activists demanded [they] take it off the air," SBA List wrote in an email to supporters.
SBA List Press Secretary Nicole Stacy confirmed to LifeSiteNews that WTOP removed the ad "saying they received complaints."
"It's a fact: Planned Parenthood is America's largest abortion business," a female voice says in the 31-second ad. "Nearly a million abortions in the last three years. Its executives were caught on tape bragging about selling baby body parts. Under federal investigation, Planned Parenthood spent 30 million last election on political activism, not women's healthcare."
"It's time for Congress to act," the ad continues. "It's time to redirect Planned Parenthood's funding to community health centers that provide comprehensive healthcare to women, not abortions."
"Our ad exposes Planned Parenthood for the profit-driven, abortion-centered business it is," said Mallory Quigley, SBA List Communications Director. "This clearly hit a nerve with the abortion activists who complained. I understand it is stomach-churning to think of Planned Parenthood executives bragging about harvesting and selling the body parts of aborted children. Whats also sickening is that our taxpayer dollars go to the abortion business at a rate of $1.5 million a day. It is time to redirect that money to comprehensive health care centers that dont end the lives of more than 300,000 children a year. We wont be deterred by this censorship and will continue to urge Congress to act."
The radio ad is part of a new $500,000 campaign SBA List launched today to expose Planned Parenthood as Americas largest abortion provider and urge Congress to redirect the groups tax dollars to comprehensive, whole-woman health care centers.
This week, SBA List is running a radio ad and digital advertising campaign targeting Washington, D.C. Upcoming efforts will include state-based mobilization in key states, the group said in a release.
Last night, the U.S. Senate passed a budget resolution bill, the first step in the process to redirect Planned Parenthoods taxpayer funding and repeal Obamacare using the budget reconciliation procedure.
Listen to the censored ad here.
Planned Parenthood probably buys more ads.
That was unequal bias, sue them.
...CBS Affiliate the way...
No, a See BS station.
The DC outfit hired to blunt the effects of undercover PP vids was the same that employed the PissGate Brit intel guy.
An embarrassingly liberal station. No surprise
“received complaints”
Good to know. Next time I hear AGW drivel on an ad, I’m going to call and see if they take it off.
Great, when can we start on islam and the illegals? Time to clean up the biggest problems first.
The Biblical consequence for nationally legalized (King ordained) child sacrifice is invasion and conquest. Just sayin.
The crime is unleashing feral children on the civilized world. Killing that which will kill you is no sacrifice.
sue them.
play the damn ad.
The “all news” station. FM 103.5
Please contact them and let them know that you will not listen until this ad runs. They need you to sell to their advertisers.
Contact the advertisers as well and let tehm know.
-—”It’s time for Congress to act,” the ad continues. “It’s time to redirect Planned Parenthood’s funding to community health centers that provide comprehensive healthcare to women, not abortions.”-—
Why is it necessary to ‘redirect’ PP monies at all?
What ‘comprehensive healthcare’ are women not receiving that community health centers could provide?
Before the Israelites entered the promised land God told them that they were being given the land because the people living there were sacrificing their children (His red line). He warned them not to do what the natives were doing. Native Americans also practiced human sacrifice. Anyway, if the Israelites did what the natives were doing (they were to wipe them out including the animals but they didn’t at times) He said they would also be invaded. They did and they were. God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Today there is a new covenant, but now, instead of God giving the orders, His Son gives the orders. Like Father, like Son.
I heard the add yesterday morning while driving to work. It took me a moment to realize that it was AGAINST Planned NO-Parenthood rather than for it.
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