1 posted on
01/10/2017 6:02:14 PM PST by
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To: tcrlaf
I turned it on....saw his face...and just couldn’t do it. Thanks to those of you who watch and report!
To: tcrlaf
Did he finally show up someplace on time?
70 posted on
01/10/2017 6:12:37 PM PST by
(Truth is always stranger than fiction.)
To: tcrlaf
Just nope.
Go away. Seriously.
76 posted on
01/10/2017 6:13:27 PM PST by
Alas Babylon!
(Keep fighting the Left and their Fake News!)
To: tcrlaf
Can’t think of anything worse than listening to Obama.
To: tcrlaf
This is delusional. He just rattled off his accomplishments ... and they are ... nothing ... even when he exaggerates them. The crowd seemed a little quiet after than short list of thin bullet points.
I think this speech will be considered one of his least effective. And that's fitting ... the longer his presidency went on, the clearer it was that his words, even to his own, are empty.
Yeah this thing ... it's falling totally flat. Who knows how much fake enthusiasm the crowd will muster ... but I don't think anyone will be fainting.
82 posted on
01/10/2017 6:14:36 PM PST by
(A is A)
To: tcrlaf
This guy is a chucklehead but his sycophants are stunning
Great echo echo echo...
Georbels would be proud
84 posted on
01/10/2017 6:15:11 PM PST by
(The roar of the masses could be farts)
To: tcrlaf
10 days and counting for the Choomer-in-Chief
To: tcrlaf
95 posted on
01/10/2017 6:16:08 PM PST by
(If a million people say a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing. Anatole France)
To: tcrlaf; All
I am PROUD to state that, during the ENTIRE 8-year presidency of THE RAPIST, I NEVER watched a SINGLE speech by THE RAPIST;
On January 20, 2017, I will be able to make the same PROUD statement about the ENTIRE 8-year presidency of THE MARXIST.
To: tcrlaf
Watching “The Karate Kid 2”. Anything is better than watching OAD!!
98 posted on
01/10/2017 6:16:45 PM PST by
("These lying tyrants are about to get hit with a tsunami of destruction on their evil reign." Gaffer)
To: tcrlaf
CSPAN 2 carrying repeat of Sessions Hearing. Only news channel not carrying O Insect speaking.
101 posted on
01/10/2017 6:16:50 PM PST by
(Count me in the half that's in the Deplorable Basket)
To: tcrlaf; All
108 posted on
01/10/2017 6:18:39 PM PST by
(They told me it could never happen in America. And then it did....)
To: tcrlaf
To: tcrlaf
Whole deck of race cards in 3..2..1..
114 posted on
01/10/2017 6:19:07 PM PST by
GCC Catholic
(Make America Great Again!)
To: tcrlaf; All
121 posted on
01/10/2017 6:20:11 PM PST by
(They told me it could never happen in America. And then it did....)
To: tcrlaf
Obama Last State-Of-The-Union Address No, it is not a "State of the Union" Address. That is given to Congress and unless we have moved the capital to Chicago then he is not addressing Congress.
This is his "farewell address" AKA "You're going to regret not having me to lead you, you ungrateful peasants".
125 posted on
01/10/2017 6:20:37 PM PST by
Harmless Teddy Bear
(Not a Romantic, not a hero worshiper and stop trying to tug my heartstrings. It tickles! (pink bow))
To: tcrlaf
Soros paid a lot of money....
131 posted on
01/10/2017 6:21:14 PM PST by
(Luke 12:51. Think ye, that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, no; but separation.)
To: tcrlaf
Ain’t nobody got time for that. Got to rearrange my sock drawer.
132 posted on
01/10/2017 6:21:15 PM PST by
Some Fat Guy in L.A.
(Still bitterly clinging to rational thought despite it's unfashionability)
To: tcrlaf
This guy remains as delusional as he’s always been.
A bit different now though, while he’s claiming a peaceful transition, he’s stoking the fires among the unwashed and against the new administration.
To: tcrlaf
Free at last, Free at last, Thank God almighty we are free at last.
147 posted on
01/10/2017 6:22:52 PM PST by
(I use liberal tears in my milkshake ~DRAIN THE SWAMP~ ~ LOCK HER UP ~ ~DRAIN THE SWAMP~)
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