He jails or has murdered his political opponents in the media and elsewhere, including former KGB colleagues of his who've since spilled the beans on him for various criminal and other suspect activity.
He attempts to, or (quite likely) in the case of the entire Polish government several years ago, assassinate leaders of foreign countries friendly to the US. The former US-friendly leader of the Ukraine barely survived such an assassination attempt not too long ago.
He, for many years, has armed and firmly supported many American-hostile regimes, such as Iran, North Korea, the ChiComs, numerous hostile leftist regimes in Latin America.
He supported Saddam Hussein, quite likely smuggling WMDs out of Iraq and into Syria prior to the start of the war.
He's, through serious intimidation, nearly completely taken over the country's media outlets formerly run by private citizens.
He just recently outlawed religion outside of churches.
He's just recently established an all-powerful agency akin to the notorious KGB.
And he's currently in the process of basically restoring the Soviet Union.
So, yeah, what's not to love about the guy.
I agree that he’s a monster. It’s just that he’s less of a threat to Christianity world wide than the US government.