If BLMers really care about black lives, they would close down every Planned Parenthood that aborts black babies.
It takes courage to stand up and state the reality behind Sanger, her fellow racists and their black murdering organization, Planned Parenthood.
And if blacks really cared about black lives, the women would stop having babies out of wedlock and find a good man to father her children.
I have never met a Dem who understood that it was the Republicans who ended slavery and the dems who not only founded the KKK but wanted to keep slaveery legal and voted down women being able to vote.
BLM never cared about black lives, if they did they would be protesting when gang bangers kill six year olds in South Central..BLM only shows up when a cop kills an armed thug and they can riot and loot bags of Cheetos
I hope that blacks wake up. It's DJT's agenda of jobs, citizens first, and law&order that will turn things around for impoverished and violent neighborhoods.