I know three and they all get around better than I ever hope to.
One eats out every day while I have pinch pennies and cook at home. Grocery shopping puts my knee out of commission for two days but it has to be done.
Another is a total loony tune who gets $2000 in free meds every month on top of their SSDI. They are constantly getting something repossessed and moving because they don’t pay their rent.
The third one just got back from vacationing in Vegas. Two or three weeks before that was a cruise. Her facebook has a dozen pictures of her running a marathon. Please, I’d like to have that disability.
I’ve tried a few times to turn these grifters in but Soc Sec wants all of my personal info. Excuse me, I’m not the one who should be on trial. It’s no wonder so many continually rip off the taxpayers.
I had to deal with ordering groceries for a relative...but money wasn’t a problem so some of the options wouldn’t work for you. Like Omaha steaks. Food is expensive.
Walmart and target do free shipping. Walmart has a shipping pass like amazon but there is a waiting list. I always tried to at least order $20 bucks worth but you can order one item and get free shipping. With minimum orders Target and walmart do free shipping.target gift cards counted toward mininum order but walmart did not.
Btw, if you have a Kroger in your area or one of their sister stores.. they started doing online ordering and you can pick it up. Includes frozen items , too. Target and walmart also do instore pickup.