THIS IS NOT UNUSUAL IN Democrat precincts.
My experience in OH as a poll worker in OH is that there are so many safeguards in place that no one can be in charge of safeguarding the safeguards, unless it's legit that both political parties have workers when voters sign in, when they cast ballots, and when the sign in book and machine tally are verified to be the same.
Could absentee ballots get cast? Are those extra ballots added after everything is shut down? Are there precincts where nobody is effectively supervising the workers?
Dr. Stein might have created some unintended consequences here. From my experience, I thought that it would make sense to simplify the system, get rid of absentee and early voting, and have Presidential voting only for that and any US Senate races. Where I was, it was honest and the poll workers had impressive pride in things running perfectly. Perhaps it's not that way everywhere.