Posted on 12/13/2016 7:20:22 AM PST by bgill
529 people signed a letter of support for the third grader and many of them were quick to stand and be counted during the public forum section of the meeting. But about a dozen people remained seated and the conservative nonprofit, Texas Values says their voices need to continue to be heard. Texas Values and some parents in the Dripping Springs Independent School District submitted a Public Information Act Request to DSISD requesting all communication between district employees regarding the bathroom issue including emails about the school district's decision to allow the third grader to use the girls' bathroom.
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529 very sick parents.
Let me guess...a suburb of Austin?
Toxic waste seeping into Dripping Springs has obscured their diluted parental brains.
Fathers no longer want to protect their little girls. grrrr
Dripping Springs has changed a lot since I was around there in the 80’s.
A Third Grader??
529 parents support making a young child a political football and causing the child a life of grief and pain, all to serve their own stupid, shallow, politically-correct ideals.
Of course, no place in Texas is that stupid.
dripping springs. is that a social disease?
I dont see what is so freaking hard to understand about this..
you can identify as ANYTHING you wish, but if you are biologically a male, you must use the male restroom.
gender “identity” has nothing to do with it.
Homeschooling - it’s fast becoming the only way to counteract this nonsense.
Hopefully this new appointment Ms. DeVos is friendly to parents who care.
There’s a difference between showing love and care and concern for some poor child who is experiencing gender dysphoria, and supporting school policy and societal practice of restricting males to male bathrooms and females to female bathrooms.
Decent, compassionate Americans have trouble distinguishing between likable, but troubled, individuals, and recognizing the troubling conditions which make the individual troubled.
And your “feelings” about using the bathroom you don’t like is irrelevant.
We are flinging the door open for perverts in order to placate drama queens
“529 parents support making a young child a political football and causing the child a life of grief and pain, all to serve their own stupid, shallow, politically-correct ideals.”
And many more than that not only support this but fight tooth and nail for the right of a mother to butcher and kill her own child for any reason or no reason. Insane, isn’t it?
what’s even worse?
this poor boy is only in THIRD grade!
this is flat out child abuse !
this boy should be taken away from those monstrous parents who has twisted his mind into believing he is a girl!
What he HECK is wrong with those parents!
They have RUINED that poor boys life!
Liberals think such thinking is “transphobic”. They say we are too focused on plumbing and physical characteristics.
It is also “binary” to think there are just two sexes, male and female. This is where we are — liberals lecturing us how bigoted we are about “trans” issues.
Now that we have institutionalized homosexuality and homosexual marriage is accomplished, now those same activists are moving on to transsexual matters.
Liberals think such thinking is “transphobic”. They say we are too focused on plumbing and physical characteristics.
It is also “binary” to think there are just two sexes, male and female. This is where we are — liberals lecturing us how bigoted we are about “trans” issues.
Now that we have institutionalized homosexuality and homosexual marriage is accomplished, now those same activists are moving on to transsexual matters.
I find it funny that liberals suddenly believe in gender stereotypes when it comes to transkids. The proof that he is a girl is he “acts like a girl”.
If I was against children thinking they are a tree ... would that make me treephobic ?!!??
This is abuse, plain and simple.
Most homosexuals were molested as children.
They want to normalize the behavior to be able to molest YOUR children.
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