Hey Joe — where have you been??? Mongolia??? Siberia???
Happened a long time ago, Joe.
Joe needs grammar lessons, to learn how to distinguish between past and future tense.
Hey Joe and others like you: Time for you to leave the party that left you. You’re a Jew, you know, and thus your voice matters for sh-t.
And it’s not going to change anytime soon. As long as they keep blaming stupid tax paying voters, the electoral college, Bernie Sanders, James Comey, racism, sexism, and all the liberal boogiemen out there, they will be unable to honestly reassess what they’ve become and make any meaningful change. I see no evidence of it anywhere.
The Democratic Party can accurately be described as a socialist party. The problem is that most Americans today are poorly educated, know nothing about the true history of socialism and definitely have no understanding how capitalism creates real wealth, jobs, prosperity and ultimately social justice.
Yup. The only thing wrong with Joe’s statement is the word “will”.
Replace with any of the following:
Already, before expected time, before, earlier, once, previously, then, as of now, at present, before now, but now, by now, by that time, by the time mentioned, by then, by this time. even now, formerly, heretofore, in the past and just now.
LOL, I think everybody who reads this thread who has even a single conservative bone in their body has the same response We’re all surprised Ol’ Joe doesn’t realize this is just closing the barn door right now.
you’re a little late, joe. soros and his ilk have control of your party and you can do nothing about it but get out
>>”In a way, relatively speaking, Hillary Clinton was representative of ... center-left of the Democratic Party, not the pure left.”
Hillary really doesn’t have an ideology anymore. She started out as Left-Left, but she turned into a rich old woman who hates everything that she can’t exploit for profit. She is basically a 19th century robber baron who made her money in the industry of corrupt politics. The Democrats committed suicide by choosing her as their nominee and now they will go full Left-Left because they are having a hysterical fit of anger at themselves.
I’m glad that they are party ruled by emotions. It insures that the House and the majority of states stays GOP.
That would be great news to us if a guy like Keith Ellison take over DNC.
Black/progressive/Muslim/friend of Farrakhan, you can’t get better than this
“My Fear for Democrats Is That the ‘Left-Left’ Will Take Over”
Too Late-Late.
Too late Joe...where were you 8 years ago?
No, Joe, she's pure left. This shows that even in politics not being able to properly recognize/name your opposition is detrimental.
Hey Joe!
That ship's done sailed!
Republicans all over America put up ‘Sore Loserman’ signs following the 2000 presidential elections! I remember it happening here...HEH HEH..
I’d prefer the Communist Left to the Fascist Left any day.
The Communist Left can’t win any offices and thus can’t leverage those offices to do damage. The Fascist Left, on the other hand, has conducted a Reign of Terror for decades now.
It already has.
Joe, you’re absolutely right. Hush....