"Today, all Canadians mourn the loss of Jason Voorhees, whose love of hockey impacted countless teenagers." #TrudeauEulogy #TrudeauEulogies
"Today we remember the Ayatollah Khomeini, who in 1979 opened his doors and gave free housing to 52 Americans." #trudeaueulogies
Let us remember Jack the Ripper as a great benefactor who worked tirelessly to get female prostitutes off the streets. #trudeaueulogies
While controversial, Henry VIII loved all his wives equally, and was a purveyor of women's rights. #trudeaueulogy #TrudeauEulogies
We must mourn the death of Jeffrey Dahmer, whose hunger for human life was second to none #trudeaueulogies
While controversial, Emperor Palpatine brought order to the galaxy, ending a separatist movement & making tech advancements #TrudeauEulogies
I extend my heartfelt sympathies to the family of The Joker, a revolutionary who always had a smile on his face. #trudeaueulogies
We mourn the death of Vlad the Impaler, who spearheaded initiatives which touched the hearts of millions. #TrudeauEulogies #trudeaueulogy
Today we mourn the loss of Norman Bates, a family man who was truly defined by his devotion to his mother. #trudeaueulogies
Lee Harvey Oswald was a man who wasn't afraid of taking a shot at shaking up the head of the political elite. #trudeaueulogies
There are some really great "Trudeau Eulogies", as it has been trending for over a day.
“We mourn the untimely death of Emperor Nero, who provided nourishing meals for the hungry lion population of the Circus Maximus and Colosseum.”
Too funny!
Vlad the Impaler.... I die