Let’s pretend for a moment that the absurd logic behind so-called ‘hate crimes’ is sound, and that some murders are indeed, worse than others, rather than equal murders. That would mean ‘hate crime’ supporters believe that its a serious matter, to be taken seriously.
Does logic not follow, that faux ‘hate crimes’ are particularly despicable since it marginalizes their logic just discussed above? Wouldn’t, if their truly is such a thing as a ‘hate crime’, justice dictate that the penalties for fake ‘hate crimes’ be so strict that no one would ever dare to desecrate libtard logic thusly? Shouldn’t the lesbian that is caught painting “God Hates Fags” on her own door as an attention whore receive the same, or worse, penalty dished out to the person that would actually paint such a thing ?
Accusations like these can ruin people’s lives, not just he accuser, but his family, and friends.
The punishment has to be more severe.
Hell look at Gloria Allred who brings out fake accusations against certain men. The Duke Lacrosse boys accused of rape , hell the list is endless, and it needs to stop.