Cruz's primary campaign started getting really strange toward the end of the primary campaign and that really turned me off from him; however, seeing leftist heads explode would almost make it worth it seeing him as AG.
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To: markomalley
If The Nation is against it, I’m for it.
2 posted on
11/16/2016 5:33:04 PM PST by
To: markomalley
Thanks for telling us! Approved!
3 posted on
11/16/2016 5:33:54 PM PST by
(Can't have a Liberal without a Lie)
To: markomalley
So Holder and Lynch were “harmless lovable fuzzballs”, right?
4 posted on
11/16/2016 5:34:28 PM PST by
(Hail Obambi, our Deer Leader)
To: markomalley
He's very close to Glen Beck, that's reason enough to suspect he'd go after someone Trump appoints harder than he'd go after Hillary's pals.
5 posted on
11/16/2016 5:34:44 PM PST by
(Jesus Christ doesn't evacuate His troops, He leads them to victory !!)
To: markomalley
IF Cruz promised to get into the CFR, I’d be better aligned.
6 posted on
11/16/2016 5:34:51 PM PST by
(No spellcheck. It's too much work to undo the auto wrong word substitution on mobile devices.)
To: markomalley
Distinction without a difference — it’s immoral to hire people to do this, even if by some arcane rule no “profit” has been “turned.” (And I’m not even so sure about the latter.)
7 posted on
11/16/2016 5:34:55 PM PST by
HiTech RedNeck
(Embrace the Lion of Judah and He will roar for you and teach you to roar too. See my page.)
To: markomalley
All the more least he won’t be selling guns to drug runners dangerous.
To: markomalley
“... raise significant alarm...”
Alarm for who????
9 posted on
11/16/2016 5:36:10 PM PST by
To: markomalley
As compared to Loretta Lynch, patsy for Bill and Hill, and house maid for Obama, I’d say Ted Cruz has a lot more qualifications for A G than a push over, who said, “Yes, Sir,” every time Obama rang.
To: markomalley
12 posted on
11/16/2016 5:36:34 PM PST by
(Ambtion Without Talent Is Sad - Talent Without Ambition Is Worse)
To: markomalley
I actually subscribed to The Nation in my late teens.
Then I grew up.
13 posted on
11/16/2016 5:36:37 PM PST by
(Islam delenda est)
To: markomalley
If The Nation feels Cruz would be a dangerous AG, they will be apoplectic when he’s a Justice of the Supreme Court.
14 posted on
11/16/2016 5:36:57 PM PST by
To: markomalley
I’m sure Trump can find a very, very, very dangerous attorney general.
15 posted on
11/16/2016 5:36:58 PM PST by
HiTech RedNeck
(Embrace the Lion of Judah and He will roar for you and teach you to roar too. See my page.)
To: markomalley
Oh my. I’ve been firmly against Cruz for AG.
In light of this story, I need to rethink my opposition.
16 posted on
11/16/2016 5:37:03 PM PST by
To: markomalley
“Dangerous” to the abortion industry, maybe.
17 posted on
11/16/2016 5:37:17 PM PST by
(The above is not a statement of fact. It is either satire or opinion. Or both.)
To: markomalley
Put him on SCOTUS, dammit.
To: markomalley
The unedited version of the tapes repeatedly captured Planned Parenthood officials saying they did not intend to make any extra money from the sales....but they did
21 posted on
11/16/2016 5:38:56 PM PST by
(( USAF.68-73..8th TFW Ubon Thailand..never store a threat you should have eliminated)))
To: markomalley
I could live with him as AG.
I would be a lot more uncomfortable with him on the Supreme Court where he could render a decision that a child born in Saudi Arabia to a Palestinian father and an American mother is a natural born citizen and eligible to be President, gutting the natural born citizen clause for perpetuity.
22 posted on
11/16/2016 5:38:58 PM PST by
(Know Islam, No Peace - No Islam , Know Peace)
To: markomalley
I think he could be very disruptive to the Trump cabinet. Sort of Al Haig-like. You want an independent thinker. But do you want an ego that is bigger than Donald’s?
24 posted on
11/16/2016 5:40:27 PM PST by
(je sui cou rouge !)
To: markomalley
More left panic, it’s going to be a great 4 years.
25 posted on
11/16/2016 5:40:38 PM PST by
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