“A 2015 NASA study found Antarctica was NOT losing ice mass and not currently contributing to sea level rise.”
Neither land nor sea ice is diminishing, contrary to all predictions (Zwally) which means ALL the sea level rise measurements and predictions were totally wrong.
“In 2016, Arctic sea ice was 22% greater than at the recent low point of 2012. The Arctic sea ice is now in a 10-year pause with no significant change in the past decade.”
These Data contradict ALL “tipping point” predictions: When a vase is tipped over and falling towards the floor, it does NOT slow down.
Hmmm. Now we know why they sent john f’n kohn-heinz-kerry down there. With his droning sonorous voice, the ice would be glad to skee-daddle just to get away from him.
I’m confused — A 22% increase in the past 4 years doesn’t seem to fit with the 10-year pause described in the same sentence. That amount of change doesn’t sounds like something that I would think of as a pause.