I’ve been singing hymns for the past three hours, and I’m finally starting to go hoarse. Won’t my FRiends be so kind as to keep singing for me? :)
“God is tryin’ to tell you something”
I have been singing Glory Be to the Father off and on for hours. My poor dog.
Ive been singing hymns for the past three hours, and Im finally starting to go hoarse
You’ll just have to hear the tune, one of my favorites...
And it shall come to pass, in the latter days
That the Lords house shall be established in the top of the mountain
And many shall go and say “come Ye and let us go into the house of the Lord”
And He shall teach us His ways, and we shall walk in His path. And he shall Judge, He shall judge between the Natuons, and reprove many nations.
And they shall beat their swords into plow shares, neither shall they learn war anymore.