Because of the primary situation here (more specifically, the lack-of-primary situation), there is little reason to affiliate. And if there is a primary of interest, one can temporarily affiliate in less time than it takes to fill out the ballot. Just plan ahead and affiliate 30 days in advance.
“And if there is a primary of interest, one can temporarily affiliate in less time than it takes to fill out the ballot. Just plan ahead and affiliate 30 days in advance. “
That’s EXACTLY what I did for the Prez caucus back in August. Was a complete waste of time though, as the insiders had the thing 100% rigged for Cruz. The Dems were apparently no better, having rigged it for Hillary.
The one good thing that did come out of that whole caucus fiasco, is that we’re likely to ditch the archaic and arcane caucus system and end up with an actual primary ELECTION from here on out if the the ballot initiatives pass tomorrow.