“Clinton did not like to read things on electronic devices. Huma printed hard copies of email”
finally something about hillary that could be legitimate.
i’m an old fart. when we first got pcs in work for some reason i wasnt comfortable reading off the screen. i’m not sure why, it was 20 years ago. i used to print everything out.
now of course i cannot read from paper. go figure.
I've been using POP style e-mail over SLIP and later PPP connections since the Summer of 1985. I was part of the active group of developers building Phil Karn's KA9Q Net/NOS code in both DOS and Xenix platforms. PPP was incubated on this project before being released as an official RFC supported framing protocol. We hacked together a PPP style link protocol call KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid) to interface the amateur radio terminal node controllers (TNC). The TNC carried TCP/IP wrapped inside an AX.25 frame wrapped in a KISS frame to/from the local computer. Much of the nice mobile TCP/IP that you enjoy today was an outgrowth of Phil Karn's subsequent employment at Qualcomm in San Diego. My old packet gear is wrapped in a box about 10 feet from where I'm currently seated. It has been largely idle since I moved from the Mira Mesa area of San Diego to Idaho in December 2000.