I just heard a radio talk show host delcare that Comey “had gotten RELIGION”:
He was serving his own interests before, he is serving his own interests NOW.
It was abundantly clear his leadership and maybe the whole FBI was about to be overtaken by a Niagara Falls of leaking.
He’s simply trying to harvest a soupcon of credibility. That, and if there’s an ongoing investigation then he can decline to give any specifics of what he’s seeing.
He’d be the VERY FIRST person I’d fire upon ascending the Presidency.
The mere thought he will draw ANY pension after what he has done to this country fills me with disgust.
This is the same James Comey who was shown to have been compromised with respect to the Clinton family due to the millions of dollars that [he] accepted from a Clinton Foundation defense contractor, [his] former membership on a Clinton Foundation corporate partners board, and his surprising financial relationship with his brother Peter Comey, who works at the law firm that does the Clinton Foundations taxes.