650,000 WTF?
that’s 178 emails a day, everyday for 10 years!
1 every eight minutes, 24/7
Could be a complete backup of the rogue Hillary server.
Thanks Janet - that is just a stupid number.
Guessing that includes SPAM. In that case I could see 650K.
I seriously doubt that.
thats 178 emails a day, everyday for 10 years!
Yes, but how many are spam emails for Penis Enlargement?
(shuddrers) or worse, solicitations to donate to the Clinton Global Initiative?
Those emails probably contain mixture of emails from many people. Not just Clinton stuff. Some of them are no doubt Sex stuff if you know what I mean.
650,000 emails are not a lot. I get that many from Nigeria each day too.
What the hello is going on? 650,000 emails. Everything you wanted to know is there. Wonder if the Whitewater files are there too?
That’s not emails from any single individual. Her entire criminal gang was using that server to communicate with each other. This is a big haul.
I worked for a woman who got literally hundreds of emails a day. Many were business, many were subscription/newsletter(shopping sites and news etc), and some were spam. If there are additionally duplicates and spam, then over the course of a few years you could end up with a ridiculous number.
For instance right now, I have about 1800 emails in my domain inbox, and 1700 in my gmail inbox, and that’s just 2 of the 5 email addresses I have set up in Outlook. Of course many of those are saved emails, things I have overlooked or not deleted over the course of the last few months. But if I never deleted anything? wow it would be thousands more accumulating over a few years.
33,000 Clinton emails and 617,000 Weiner "selfies".
I have a spam catcher account at yahoo that probably gets close to that.