We don't have any credibility left ... so why not go for broke and publish crap like this?
Internals? Looks from the Bar Graph they are all women.
This isn’t believable unless they’re skewing their voting to very specific areas.
ROTFL! Nice try NBC. Another one of your BS polls.
All primary long they had Trump losing by 10-15% while he won. This is just a push poll to damage Trump.
Pray America wakes
Sample of 900 likely voters. Zero monster voters.
This poll never gets it right:
Donald Trump’s Lead Slashed in South Carolina
This makes the globalist gopes here at FR vey happy.
Vey happy.
LOL at them and this desperate poll.
This poll has bee a consistent outlier for months. Very pro-Clinton. Don’t worry about this.
Trump has this.
These are the same clowns that said 3 days before the South Carolina Republican Primaries that Cruz was going to defeat trump by 13%.
They are lying to steal the vote.
Hillary has TINY RALLIES and you can barely find a Hillary supporter anywhere compared to Trump supporters and rallies.
Here is a snippet from the detailed poll data. This is what the NBC/WSJ thinks is an unbiased sample.
It’s all about the narrative so that when Trump wins, they can claim it was “stolen” and invalidate it, much like they did Bush’s term. It will be the defacto talking point during the Trump presidency. And possibly the reason the GOP/DEM coalition attempt to impeach him. M2C.
Wishful thinking.
I wonder how much Hillary paid for this poll?
I notice Trump has slightly higher marks on being honest and straightforward and American interests in trade deals. I bet far more of these people would be greatly disappointed on those two fronts if they got to see Hillary really in action.
NBC is publishing a fake poll to push their "roiling sex scandal" narrative. Nothing more.
Unless, as election day approaches, the polls tighten significantly. But right now it looks like the evil ones are setting themselves up to challenge a legitimate Trump victory.
Being a good CIC? ........... Yeah, I’m sure they asked our G.I.s. What was the percentage on that one, 2% GI and 98% Cupcakes? Anyone in uniform who trusts Clinton has to be in the minority. They claim that Trump doesn’t stick to the issues? What are the issues? Naughty behavior and naughty words? IT’s the economy stupid! The only issue we should be concerned with can be said in 3 words, “Jobs Jobs Jobs”. Bill will revive the economy? Yeah, theirs.