WHY would we want to go to war with Russia? WHY would we want to go to war period??? I can see going after Hillary and Barky’s baby ISIS they birthed, but anything other than that, is stupid and it will explode the earth and every person, living on it...
This is so Hillary wins the White House and Barky goes out with something on his ‘record’ other than being stupid and an idiot and golf scores...
Don’t let this happen!!! VOTE TRUMP/PENCE!!!
It’s to create world government and a world currency.
War is necessary because the economy is shot. Kaput. Dead.
The Great Depression ended because the surplus workforce was sucked up by the drafts starting in 1940.
What do you think will cause the surplus workers to be taken out of the economy now? Plus, all of the student debt gets forgiven.
It sucks, but it’s coming.
They want war to reduce population and to demolish the West which stands in the way of globalism.
“WHY would we want to go to war with Russia? WHY would we want to go to war period???”
1. One of the things history teaches us is Something Always Happens.
2. Why? Because war is what we (humans) do. 6,000 years of recorded history, find a ten year period where one group of humans have not been at war with another group of humans.
3 Russia? Because sometime you have to smack a bully upside the head to get their attention.