America is broke , we shouldnt be giving money to any country.
DiogenesLamp: I would find this line of argument more persuasive if Israel didn't get mentioned until like country number 37 or something.
They certainly sucked you in.
The reasons it’s a BIG aid package..., it’s a ten year deal.
37 Billion? I'm pretty sure we've spent far more than that on Germany, Japan, South Korea, England, and so forth.
I think you are missing my point. If people are pushing for the reduction of expenditures on behalf of foreign governments, we should start with the most costly.
If there exists strategic arguments for spending this money in these other countries (such as Germany and Japan) then this same argument would very likely justify expenditures in the only stable place *IN* the middle east.
But again, if we are worried about money, let us first discuss England and Japan, etc.